I feel Japanese

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Gianna's POV: 

"Kellin Quinn is the singer of Sleeping With Sirens, you've never heard of them?" Marie spouts excitedly. 

"No, I only listen to Harry Styles," I respond. 

"God, bitch, you need to listen to more music. Annnnyyywayyyyyy, this is a BIG DEAL! You had sex for the first time, AND you slept with the singer of a band who has a cult following! You are CRAZY!" 

"I didn't know, I thought he was just a random emo boy." I mumble. 

"Well, what are you going to do now?"

I'm not sure how to respond. 

"I don't know.." I mumble. 

"You're hopeless. I'm going to go buy some acid, do you want some?" Marie questions. 



I got Kellin's number yesterday, and he got mine. I'm not sure if I'd like to call or text him, it's too awkward. 

Right as I'm thinking about him, my phone dings. 

--Hey, it's Kellin. I had a good time last night, hope you did as well. It's a shame that you had to leave.--

Oh shit. 

--Hi! I'm sorry, there was a family emergency; I had to quit my job as a swim instructor.--

Right as I hit 'send,' I realize how stupid that excuse sounded. 

--It's no issue. Do you want to meet up for coffee in 30 minutes? Starbucks?-- 


--Sure! I'll meet you there.--

Why did I say yes? It is going to be so awkco-taco! 

I get ready for my, date(?) while replaying the events from yesterday. Gosh, sex feels so good!!!

It suddenly hits me that Kellin is somewhat famous? I've never heard of him in my entire life. 

I look up Sleeping With Sirens on my shared Spotify account with Marie, which I don't pay for, and play the first song that catches my eye. 

Bloodlines... Interesting...

I listen to the song, the lyrics, and Kellin's beautiful voice... 

I find myself relating to the lyrics in such a surreal way that I get shivers down my shine.

"Shiver me timbers!" I blurt.

After I get ready I walk over to the Starbucks near my house. As soon as I walk in, I see Kellin sitting at a 2-seater table reading 'My Policeman.' 

Oh my gosh I love that book. 

"Hey!" I peep. 

Kellin looks up from his book and greets me with a smile. 

"Hey Gianna, how are you?" Kellin questions. 

"I'm good! There are so much desserts on this table!" I say in surprise, using improper grammar. 

"Yeah, I didn't know what you liked so I got everything." Kellin laughs. 

"You didn't have to do that," I say as I eye the caloric mouth-gasms in front of me. 

I can't eat any of this! I live on a strict diet of zero-sugar caramel chocolates and great-value water that isn't refrigerated. 

"I - I'm not hungry." I blurt. 

Kellin laughs, but when he sees that I am not joking, his face saddens. 

"You okay?" Kellin asks. 

"Yes, I just- I just ate a lot of food this morning!" I lie. 

"Oh, well let's take it to-go. Take what you want, I'll take the rest." Kellin says calmly. 


I feel so bad for this. I know he spent so much money on these desserts, and I'm basically throwing them all in the trash. Not literally, Marie will probably gobble them up as soon as I bring them home. 

Kellin asks for boxes and he boxes the desserts up one by one. He looks so beautiful with his raven hair covering some of his eyes, his sexy black tank top, and his grey skinny jeans. 

He makes me pick which of the pastries I would like to take home and I pick the ones Marie loves the most. 

We walk out of Starbucks. Kellin walks awfully close to me as I feel his hand entangle with my own. 

I blush, my face turning cherry underwear red as I grip his hand. 

"Where do you want to go?" Kellin asks. 

"Maybe back to your place?" I grin. 

I'm giving major slut vibes right now. I don't care, I want some more SEX! 

"Oh! Yeah, we can do that." Kellin smiles as his cheeks turn as red as mine. 

We walk for a while until we end up at his apartment complex. 

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