POV change omg crazy

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Kellin's POV

Gianna and I walk hand in hand to my apartment complex. 

I asked her to meet at Starbucks and when she arrived, she declined to try any of the desserts I bought. 

I'm seeing clear signs of erectile dysfunction... I hope she can still get it up. I love it up the butt. 

"Hey, are you like, famous?" Gianna asks. 

My body tenses up and my steps slow down.

"Kind of? I play in a band." I mumble. 

"I looked you up, I hope you don't mind," Gianna says with a smile and a side-eye. 

If she starts treating me differently I am going to shoot myself. 

"I'm thinking of quitting for a little bit," I mention. 

"Oh, that's cool. Why?" Gianna questions. I don't see a change in demeanor, I hope she's not like other girls. 

"It's way too stressful. I hate touring, I hate my bandmates, I hate everything about this stupid job." I ramble. 

"Do what's best for you, I'll support your decision." Gianna smiles. 

I smile down at Gianna as we approach my apartment complex. 

We go up the elevator as the sexual tension builds. 

I see in my peripheral vision that she looks up at me, but then she turns her head over to face the elevator doors again. 

She does it once more. 

As she makes the motion to look away, I grab her head and thrust my lips up against hers. 

We make out passionately until the familiar 'ding' wakes both of us up from the passion trance as we unclasp lips. 

We get off the elevator and I can hear Gianna's exasperated gasps for air as we walk down the hall to my studio apartment. 

When we walk in, all hell breaks loose as we tango with lust. 

I glance down at her fupa as my pp is alining with her vagina hole. 

"God, I love your fupa!" I exclaim. 

Gianna blushes. 

I thrust into her as she lets out an anime moan. 


I finish inside her by accident. 


"Are you on the pill, Gianna?" I ask. 

"Yeah, don't worry about it." Gianna laughs. 

Today was a good day. 

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