I've got the aches, and the pains, and the poison in my veins.

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Kellin's POV

I feel the rough scabs rub against my Alkaline Trio T-shirt. I'm dizzy, I can't see straight, and I'm nauseous. 

I just left Gianna's hospital room. I hung out with her for a few hours, and now I'm on my way back home. 

As I drove, I saw a glimpse of Gabe's car. The white Jeep we spent so many days in. 

Right as the view of his face traveled to my eyes, I froze, enough to slightly swerve my car into the other lane. 

I try not to think of the pitiful events of that night, the night everything went to shit. 

The news of the band breaking up has been spreading through out the media, I'm just glad Gianna hasn't found out anything yet. 

I start to cry, salty tears climbing down my face, and the view of the road is getting blurry. 

I start to slightly swerve when Gianna calls me. 

I answer the phone call through car bluetooth. 

"Hii." Gianna spouts.

"What's up." I mutter through sniffs. 

"Whats up." Gianna giggles. 

Why does she repeat everything I say?

"You called me, Gianna." I say, done with everything. 

She makes a whimper sound, indicating that she is hurt by my outburst. I soon hear her sniffles and her voice breaks as she speaks. 

"I'm sorry, I just- Never mind." Gianna mumbles. 

"What were you going to say." I demand. 

"I- I'm. I forgot." Gianna excuses. 

"I'm not in the mood for this, I've got to go, bye." I sniff as I hang up. 

I don't know why I'm so hurt by seeing my former bandmate, I think I'm just heartbroken that the band I cared for more than life has broken up. 

I wipe away the tears and start driving towards a Walmart parking lot. Once I'm parked, I pull out my phone. 

To: Plug Daddy

Kellin: Yo, have you restocked? 

Plug Daddy: Yes, we have everything in stock. 

Kellin: I need 50mg of heroin. If you lase it with fent again I will fucking kill you. 

Plug Daddy: Don't worry baby, it's pure. 

Kellin: When can I pick up?

Plug Daddy: Now. 1505 E Central Rd. 

Kellin: I'll be there in 10 minutes. 

Plug Daddy: Okay. 

I'm somewhat ashamed of my future relapse, but I guess this is better than mutilating my own body. 

I drive to the pick up spot. I meet the plug outside as I get into his car. 

"Hey baby, I haven't seen you in a while. Something going on?" The plug flirts. 

"No, I just need something to help me relax." I respond. 

"I gotchu." The plug says as he hands over my precious heroin. 

I pull out $100 in waded up bills and hand it to him. He counts the money in front of me. 

"You're good to go baby, have a nice trip!" The plug exclaims. 

"Thanks." I mumble as I get out of the car, heroin in hand. 

I need to get home so I can inject this baby. 

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