Chapter 6

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"Haha," Freddy exclaimed proudly, "A blackjack!"

"I don't know what you're talking about, Freddy," Chica replied dismissively, through content munches of her pizza. "All I know is that I'm happy to be eating my pizza."

"Hah!" Freddy exclaimed once more.

"I know ri-" Chica started.

"No, I was talking about the ace I just won."

"Oh," Chica didn't seem sad, only focused on her pizza. "Okay." She shrugged. She didn't know how to play solitaire, but now she wasn't quite sure Freddy really knew either.

"Breaking news, losers," comes a booming voice laced with sarcasm from the doorway.

"Roxanne.." Freddy looked awkwardly between the she-wolf and Chica. A sadness bubbled in Chica's expression; she looked away from Roxy as quickly as she entered the room.

"Charles thinks he's cool. He thinks he can scare us with this piece of metal." Roxy explained before either Freddy or Chica could say anything else - she knew they weren't exactly welcoming her at the moment, so she didn't give them time to kick her out.

"..What is that?" Inquired Freddy, his head tilting ever so slightly in masculine curiosity.

"I attacked him, and he threatened me-"

"You attacked him? Roxy! You need to stop doing that!" Chica said mid-bite. Roxy took a deep breath in an attempt to collect herself - who was Chica to tell her not to attack people? She could control her temper, for now.

"Just go back to eating your pizza, Chica." She decided then that she would talk to her later. Inside her was a longing for things to be normal again - why did her and Chica have to disagree? - but there were more important matters at hand.

She held up the remote as she spoke, a vague resentment in her voice. "He threatened me with this device, saying he could shut me off with the click of a button. His words."

"What.. I've never seen anything of that sort before," said Freddy, confused.

"Wait! I know exactly what this means," Chica perked up, setting down her piece of pizza. "He has a murder weapon. How do we know to trust him from now on."

"Chica." Roxy glared at her. "We can't jump to conclusions this fast. That's exactly why Monty doesn't trust us. Why he doesn't trust you."

"Roxy.." Chica's tone was weak, but she couldn't think of anything else to say.

"No, this is fascinating," Freddy said, rubbing his chin. "We must take both sides into account. There are a million possibilities here, and we can't ignore any of them if we want to string together a solution."

Roxy sighed, and Chica nodded.

"You're absolutely right, Freddy." Chica said, causing Roxy to look at her with a mixture of confusion, sadness, and anger.

Roxy opened her mouth to speak but the point was starting to make sense. She supposed she should be more open-minded, even if it meant sacrificing her trust.. Roxy went quiet, unsure of what to say when all of a sudden she heard rapid footsteps pacing down the hall behind her.

"ROXY WATCH OUT!" Chica cried suddenly, standing up out of alarm.

Roxy's eyes widened and she turned around just in time to see Charles with a crowbar raised in his hand, holding it right above Roxy. She felt hopeless in the moment, though she was full of rage. Just when she thought it was too late, she felt Chica's hands shove her out of the way. The crowbar landed narrowly between Roxy and Chica and they looked at each other briefly with a subtle gratefulness, softness in their eyes.

But they didn't have time for that yet.

"You crazy animatronics!" Charles yelled, glaring around at them and holding out his crowbar as if they were a crowd of dinosaurs. "SHE tried to KILL me!" He pointed the crowbar at Roxy. "Do you even know how much work and time I put into looking after you all? It's my life's work at this point, and all you can do to thank me is hurt me? I'm just trying to help!"

"Yes," Freddy said in a calm manner, his arms folded over his chest. "Trying to help by killing one of our friends?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Charles asked.

"Quit acting surprised," Roxy butted in. "This stupid machine doesn't even work! See?"

She raised the metal remote and..

"WAIT!" Charles commanded.

..she pressed the big red button.


Roxy looked around for the source of the noise, and there it was, right in front of her eyes: Chica, unconscious on the ground.

"CHICA!" Roxy screamed, dropping the remote and kneeling down to her love.

The softness that was once in Chica's eyes was now gone. All that was left was a colorless, dull, still face.. Not the Chica she knew. Regret overcame Roxy like a pound of bricks. Would she ever get to apologize?

"No.. no, no..." She began to sob, then out of the corner of her eye saw a familiar figure..

Charles was raising his crowbar, and this time he was aiming for the animatronic in Roxy's arms.

Roxy's eyes widened in horror. "WAIT!"

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