Chapter 8

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Monty paced behind the thin wall of the back room of the bowling alley, separating him and the others. He knew he wasn't welcome with them right now, but he couldn't help but worry.

Freddy had just woken Chica and was now working to get Roxy fixed up.

He didn't care what the others thought, what they said, some part of him would always care about his friends.

His thoughts were quickly interrupted when he tripped over something on the floor beneath him.

He glanced down to see a hand. Not just any hand. A hand connected to a body, a body connected to a head, a head with a face he recognized. Bonnie.

Dear God.

Monty let out a small cry as he jumped back a ways, looking down at his friend's broken body. How had it ended up here? Is this really the only place the staff could think to put what was left of him?

Only then did Monty notice the slight glimmer in Bonnie's eyes. Hope poured into Monty's operating system.

Could Bonnie, somewhere deep inside, still be alive? Is it possible some parts of him still were functional?

The room was dull and dusty, and bowling balls were scattered around, but there in the middle of it all was Bonnie. The thought alone that his friend might not be entirely gone was enough to give Monty a burst of confidence he hadn't experienced since the accusations against him began.

Monty needed to tell the others.

As the gator hurried into the main area of the alley where the others were gathered he overheard a conversation between Freddy and Roxy as the latter came to.

"-Charles?" Monty didn't need to hear the entirety of the question to know what Roxy was asking.

"Don't worry," Freddy replied. "I took care of it."


Freddy looked firmly down at the wolf. "I took care of it."

Monty stood awkwardly, a few yards away, and cleared his throat to alert the others he was there.

He was immediately met with harsh looks, but before anyone could tell him off he interjected.

"I just found... Bonnie. And he's still active."

"What?" Roxy growled. "Where?"

Monty waved them over to follow, guiding them to the back room he had just come from. The others gathered around.

There he was. Bonnie, the original bassist. Well, maybe not the original original, but it was close enough. No one talked about the fox much anymore anyways.

"Bonnie..." Roxy whispered, emotion overcoming her voice. "Oh Bonnie."

Chica turned away and started crying.

Freddy just stared.

After what felt like an eternity, Freddy spoke up.

"The Pizzaplex will be opening soon, we need to get back to our rooms. But, let's meet here again tomorrow after closing."

Everyone agreed, and went their separate ways. Monty lingered back a moment, fighting his urge to cry as he looked down at his friend, before following suit and heading back to his changing room.

For once in his life, he wasn't angry. Just incredibly sad. But perhaps a little hopeful. If Bonnie's eyes still lit up, surely he wasn't all gone.


The next evening, everyone gathered to a horrific sight. Bonnie was not as they left him.

Monty grimaced, turning away.

Someone had attacked him, or what was left of him, with a bowling ball, which was further evidenced by the cracking on the walls near him. Whoever had done this had done this with malice, it was no accident.

The pieces that made him operational were surely smashed to bits, Monty thought.

The pale blue of his friend's body was chipped and worn and fading. Monty held in his urge to rush to the rabbits side, to hold him. It was useless now anyways.

His mind tried to take him back to the evening B

"Who did this," Roxy growled. When she was met with silence she slashed the wall with her claws and cried out. "WHO DID THIS??"

Two sets of eyes fell onto Monty, both Chica and Freddy.

The gator took a step back.

"Perhaps it was Monty," Freddy suggested.

"He was the last to leave last night," Chica added.

Freddy nodded. "He came back to destroy the evidence of his crimes. If we had managed to wake Bonnie, Monty's murder attempt would be revealed. He couldn't risk it."

"I- it wasn't me!" Monty argued, but no one would listen. "Why would I have even told you where he was in the first place of I intended to attack him!"

Freddy ignored him and instead called over a few of the wet floor bots to stand guard around Bonnie.

"Keep him safe, friends. Don't let this happen again."

The smaller bots nodded and formed a protective circle around the rabbit on the floor.

"We should stay out of here," Roxy said quietly. "Let him rest. He's gone for good now anyways."

The rest reluctantly agreed, and walked out of the room after saying their brief goodbyes to Bonnie. Monty was given death stares when he tried to approach, so he kept his distance. It took all of his strength not to flick out his claws and destroy everything in his path as he headed back to him room.

The others, save for maybe Roxanne, truly believe he had murdered Bonnie.

Oh how little they understood.

Perhaps it was time for Monty to begin doing some digging of his own.

A/n (ayla): ITS HEREEEE CHAPTER 8!!!!! MONTY MY BOY i feel so bad for him (assuming he is actually as innocent as he claims to be...). Have y'all been keeping up with the Ruin DLC??? Cause that shit made me cryyyy. Anyways, have a good rest of your day and night and thanks for reading!!

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