Chapter 3

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The clank of Roxy and Chica's metal mouths clashing filled the silent air of the Pizzaplex. The Pizzaplex had just closed for the night, and the last of the security guards had gone home, save for Charles, who was patrolling the daycare.

"Charles!" Roxy growled, her paws latched around Chica's cold, steely waist. "Stop looking at us. You're supposed to be patrolling the DAYCARE!"

Chica giggled. "That's my girl~"

After Roxy was certain that Charles had left, she went to turn back to Chica, only to be interrupted once more.

The familiar face of Freddy appeared in the doorway. Roxy groaned, stepping away from Chica.

"What do you want?" she sighed.

"I want YOU!" Freddy took a dramatic step forward and jutted out an arm so he could intensely point at both Roxy and Chica. "..To join ME..." he swung his arm and stuck out his thumb to point at his chest "..In solving this mystery."

"What mystery, Freddy?" Chica asked, slightly dazed.

Roxy looked confused for a moment then nudged Chica. "Bonnie," she whispered, "he died?"

"But that's not- ohh. Right."

"And what exactly are you planning on doing to 'solve this mystery?'"

Freddy took a step forward, puffing his chest by popping the door on his torso up slightly.

"It's time for a Freddy monologue!"

"Oh god-"

The room filled with a sudden air of mystery and Roxy could have sworn she heard jazz music begin to play. Chica just sat on the floor and clapped her hands.

"Story time!"

Freddy cleared his throat. "I was walking through the halls of the Pizzaplex when I heard strange noises coming from the golf course and of course, me being me, I knew I had to investigate. As I approached the golf course, Monty's screams grew louder. When I saw him, he was throwing things and crying. Like a baby." Freddy took a deep breath. "I stood watching him from a distance for some time, and then the picture became clear as day.. Bonnie on the ground, Monty standing over him with the murder weapon in hand..."

Chica stopped clapping and tilted her head. "What's the murder weapon?"

"Do you have any proof of this?" Roxy crossed her arms.

"Of course! Freddy is..." Freddy paused, eyes shifting between the two animatronics in front of him. Finally, he sulked, the cage on his chest falling shut again. "Freddy is misremembering."


"No, Chica!" If Roxy didn't look extremely puzzled before, she sure did now. "Since when was Bonnie dismembered?"


Roxy rolled her eyes turning back to Freddy. "I suppose he did have reason... he wanted to be the star bass player, right?"

Freddy stood with a blank look on his face. "Well I suppose that could make sense but... there's..." he continued on mumbling to himself in the background as Roxy turned to fade Chica.

"We should just go and... let him figure all this out on his own."

"Okay!" Chica shrugged, following Roxy as she took a few steps to turn the corner.

"Do you think he's okay?"

"Who? Freddy?" Chica peeked down the corner to see Freddy pacing back and forth, blabbering to himself and throwing his hands around in wild gestures.

"Not Freddy." Roxy put a hand on Chica's shoulder, "Monty."

"What do you mean? He's not the one who died."

"Yeah, but-" Roxy sighed. "You know how him and Monty were."

Chica's expression suddenly filled with sadness.

"I thought we were done talking about that." She said softly, but Roxy's direct tone didn't falter.

"They were close, Chica. I mean, if Monty didn't do it, we shouldn't just let Freddy go off and accuse him-"

"But Monty did do it," Chica said, louder this time. "Who else could it have been?"


"You heard what Freddy said. He was right there when Bonnie died."

Chica's gaze was persistent, and Roxy stared for a while before sighing in a mixture of defeat and frustration. Usually, she wasn't so prone to caring about others - but jumping to a conclusion this quickly? It all felt wrong.

"Whatever. Fine." She grunted, turning to walk away. She felt a cold hand against hers but pulled away before Chica could grab it, speeding up her pace down the hall.

"Roxy! Wait-"

"Forget it."

(a/n: wish I was chica -eden)

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