8. The key in the neckline

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Eliz opened her eyes and sat up. She looked around the room and sighed. She still had a little hope that she would wake up in her own life. But she did not.
She opened her system window to check how she was doing and to get a clearer picture of what she had to do today.

Name: Elizabeth Von Roseblood

Role: Minor Villainess

Position: Visitor number 247 -> 246

Cycle number: 1

Number of available revivals: 1

Number of failures: 0

Number of followers: 1

Finance: 3321 gold

Property: 1Roseblood Blue Rose Estate in the Eastern Province

Achievements: - Big Sister

Bonuses: -

She raised an eyebrow. Her number had changed again. She still had not figured out what it was or how it affected the number.

She shook her head and closed the window again. Throwing back the blanket, she walked to the window in her nightgown and stepped out onto the balcony. The morning was chilly and smelled like rain. It must have rained during the night. She stretched and looked down at the garden. The gardeners were busy this early in the morning. One of the gardeners looked up and noticed her. He immediately bowed to her.

"Oh, hello, cutie." She murmured, waving her fingers at him as she noticed he was quite a handsome, young, tanned man.

"Young lady." A voice behind her startled Eliz, causing her to nearly fall over and quickly turn around.
Alobela stood there, her expression saying nothing, but her eyes were judgmental.

Eliz cleared her throat. "Good morning, Alobela." She straightened up and made her way past her and back into the room with as much dignity as her nightgown would allow.

Alobela was in her shoes. "Breakfast, young lady." She announced, and Eliz glanced at the cart. She sat down at the table and waited for Alobela to serve her. She got used to this quite quickly. It reminded her of when she still lived at home and her mother made her breakfast. It was nice to be served that way.

But what was on her plate, not so much.

"Alobela. No meat again?" She looked at it with a frown.

"Meat is not good for breakfast, young lady." She replied as she poured a glass of juice for Eliz.

"And who says that? Are you a part-time nutritionist?" Grumbled Eliz sullenly. Alobela glared at her.

Eliz realized she might have used a term Alobela didn't know, so she bit her tongue and turned away. "Next time, I want some meat."

"... As you command, young lady." She replied, and Eliz was satisfied with that answer.

For now, she ate what she was given. Salad, a piece of bread, an egg. At least she got the egg.

"Donovan Hephisto is due to arrive this morning. I want to be notified immediately when he arrives." She said as she wiped her mouth with a napkin and gathered the strength to dress again.

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