13. Night Visitor

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Eliz was in her room that evening, combing her hair at her bedside table and thinking about what she had learned.

The legend of the creation of the world was really interesting. The idea that the core of the world should actually be the beating heart of a god was crazy.

But not much worse than some of the theories from her home. Like Verne, people believed that something about his books was true and that another world was at the center of the world. Or that planet Earth is hollow, and there is just a giant machine.

Eliz wondered a lot when this legend was created. People hardly knew what was before the cataclysm. Also, how would they know anything about the creation of the Earth? Probably it was symbolism? Only Eliz did not have the imagination to interpret any of it.

Maybe the two gods were just two planets colliding? The smaller one became the world's core, and the larger one the surface? There had to be some other explanation for the dark magic. But let us leave it at that.

That is probably a sufficient explanation for people living in a world full of magic and monsters. Let us keep the scientific explanations to ourselves.

There was a knock at the door.

"Yes, come in." She called out, looking at the door. An elderly maid entered and bowed. "Our guest would like to see you, young lady." She announced.

Eliz sighed. It was already dark. She wanted to talk to Donovan, but was it not too late for that?

"All right. Wait a minute." She said and got up to wrap herself in her robe. The older maid seemed to object, but Eliz silenced her with a look. She did not feel like spending another fifteen minutes getting dressed again!

Eliz followed the older maid to Donovan's room. She knocked and let Eliz enter.

Eliz looked around the room, which was nice but otherwise impersonal. Simply a guest room.

Donovan stood up as she entered. His tie was off, exposing his neck, and his hair was loose. Eliz raised an eyebrow and looked at him. It only takes so little to make him look like a heartbreaker suddenly. Now if he started making bed eyes, she'd feel like she'd walked in on some casanova.

"You wanted to talk to me?" She asked him.

"Yes, Elizabeth. We need to discuss what happened." Replied Donovan, offering Eliz a chair as he sat on the bed himself.

Eliz accepted the offer and sat down, crossing her legs and folding her arms. "And what exactly do you want to discuss? We both saw what happened. Experienced it. Do you still have doubts?"

Donovan shook his head. "No... yes. I do not even know. I am not denying it, but my mind is pretty confused."

Eliz sighed. "That'll get better. Probably. We do not know exactly what Selene is doing to affect people. I guess that it will wear off if you do not have regular contact with her for a while."

Donovan nodded. "Yes. That's very likely." He agreed.

Eliz looked at him. "Is that what you wanted to talk to me about?" Eliz did not get the impression that was what it was about. Besides, she was not the kind of person others wanted to confide in. Is she some therapist?

"No. I wanted to talk about Dark Magic."

"The Duke and Duchess have already explained what that is." She let him know.

Donovan pushed his glasses on his nose. "So you told them? How did they react?"

Eliz shrugged her shoulders. "Of course. I could hardly keep it to myself, especially since you moved in temporarily. And I also had to explain Eren's condition. As for their reaction, they were skeptical at first, but then I think they finally believed me. Unfortunately, the evidence is weak, so they can not do anything official. But they said they would hire an undercover investigator to look into it." Eliz had no problem sharing things with him.

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