Pay Attention To Me... (🏐)

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Where Bokuto and Kenma are sick, but Kuroo and Akaashi only believe Bokuto. Turns out Bokuto is faking and Kenma only gets worse over time.

Kenma woke up to a pounding in his head, he had already slept in and had fallen asleep playing his game.

He staggered out of bed, dragging his blanket along the floor as he went downstairs to see his boyfriends already at the table.

'' K-Kuroo... Kaashi.. ''

Kenma mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

'' I dun feel well. ''

Kenma mumbled, there was silence, Kenma looked at them to see they ignored him, coaxing and comforting the owl haired boyfriend.

'' Kenma stop being such a baby, you aren't sick, you just want attention. Bokuto is sick. ''

Bokuto on the other hand... was faking! He just wanted a break and some attention from all his boyfriends, including Kenma.

Bokuto was sad when Kenma came downstairs and said he was unwell, and Kuroo dismissed the smaller boy.

Kenma pouted and stumbled over to make some toast for himself.

'' Make some for Bokuto too. ''

Kuroo demanded, Kenma looked at them, he pushed the toaster and threw his blanket down, storming up to his room and slamming the door.

Kenma covered his face and started to cry quietly.

'' Yeah... stop being a baby Kenma. ''

Kenma got back in bed and tried to rest more. At some point he must have dozed off.

Kenma woke up to Kuroo shaking him.

'' Kenma! Get up, we are going out! ''

Kenma groaned, his headache turned into a migraine and his stomach was aching now.

'' Stop the act Kenma! Seriously, you attention seeker! ''

Kenma started to tear up, he threw his slipper at Kuroo.

'' Screw off Kuroo! I'm not going anywhere! ''

Kuroo's eyes widened.

'' Whatever..''

Kuroo shut the door behind him. Kenma heard them leave, Kenma was all alone.

Kenma started to breathe heavy, his hands shaking violently as he fumbled for his phone and called Hinata.

Hinata answered the phone.

'' Kenma? Hey! ''

Hinata stopped when he heard Kenma's heavy breath and sobbing.

'' H-Hin... - ata... help.. ''

Kenma mumbled weakly, Hinata took breaths.

'' Kenma follow my breaths okay? Follow my breaths.. ''

Kenma tried to calm down, but he couldn't, his head was spinning now, he felt light-headed, faint, weak... sick.

Hinata frowns.

'' Okay Kenma I'm going to hang up, and call Kuroo. ''

Kenma sobs loudly, he tried to speak, but no words, Hinata hung up the call.

Hinata called Kuroo, Kuroo answered.

'' Yo Hina! ''

'' Kuroo what the fuck are you doing?!?!? ''

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