First Meeting

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"Jiminshi wake up, come on it's 9am already, we've got to get ready, you sleepyhead. if you are not waking up right now I'm gonna put in a bucket of cold water".taehyung said while fusing because they were supposed to be eating breakfast together, but Jimin being Jimin not even moving.

"Jimin okay baby listen it's important your parents have been planning something. I just heard when I was coming towards your room, baby uncle said he is planning your marriage, you sleepyhead wake-up". Taehyung said and kicked Jimin's side but not with force.

"What's wrong taehyung? I was having beautiful dreams, shit taehyung what you were talking about anyways". Jimin asked while rubbing his beautiful blue eyes, yes he has blue eyes, blonde hair which were fluffy and his plump lips had a lil pink tint in them.

Both best friends were chatting.Mrs Park was standing outside the room witnessing the whole drama. She is soft for Jimin, but they know that Jungkook is better for him.

Mrs Park knocked on the room and went inside. Taehyung moved forward giving space to Mrs Park so she could talk to Jimin.

Mrs Park packs Jimin's forehead while rubbing his cheeks. "Jimin baby listen carefully, it's about you and your future we have decided something, you'll be getting married next week".

Mrs Park launched this bomb to Jimin, Jimin was unable to speak, he was shocked. You can say he wasn't believing what was happening,he had dreams to become something on his own just like his hwasa noona, and made his own name outside the park mansion. Everyone recognised him as Park's one and only son, but he really wants to do something, so people can recognise him for what he is not by his family name.

"Mom, I'm sorry I can't marry the random guy that you choose. How can you expect me to do such a thing, do you really think I'm gonna marry a guy. I really wanted to choose my partner on my own, and you ruined this" Jimin screamed fisting his hand while glaring taehyung.

" See I love you and Appa but how can you make my life decisions huh". Jimin steps out of the room with anger, If you can kill you right here and there.


Same day in Jeon's Mansion.

Jungkook was asleep, he groaned in sleep, he is not that heavy sleepier, his head was hurting from drinking. He sat straight and lit up his cigarette, taking toxic drugs and went to his wardrobe so he could take his clothes, he lined up branded suits for different occasions, and on the next shelf he had his comfort clothes, his whole wardrobe was in black and white, few colorful clothes were hardly there untouched. He touched on a yellow shirt and inhaled the fragrance, it was his favorite.

There was a thick silence in the dining room. No one was saying anything, just eating breakfast. Mrs Jeon breaks the silence, she knows she has to talk to Jungkook.

"Jungkook my dear son, listen, we are doing for you, it's for your own good baby. We can't change what happened but we are not your enemies baby". Mr Jeon cleared his throat, Jungkook was now looking at his Appa, he knew what he was going to say.

"Jungkook, you are getting married next week so be ready and be a good son and good husband for Jimin, I don't want to hear any complaints ." Mr Jeon said with a stern voice and left.

Jungkook gritted his teeths before slamming his fist on the table. Mrs Jeon flinched but did not utter any word and both finished their food. Jungkook gave last glance towards Mrs Jeon and left. Mrs Jeon was now alone thinking hard, how can she convince this devil.


Jimin's pov:

"I can't stay at home, gosh I need some fresh air. How can they do this to me? I am not their child, Why God? I never met that dickhead, not even know what he does, how many girlfriends or boyfriends he had before. don't get me Wrong I was never interested in Mr Jeon's Son. if I know better he is straight. How can he just agree with this marriage? I guess I should talk to him and make him think of his decision".

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