*Tasting My Anger*

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"Jungkook! We should go. I have got a very important business meeting with Malaysian clients". Namjoon said and put his one hand on Jisoo's waist and pulled her closer.

"Okay!" Jungkook said, they all hugged and went to their cars.

Jungkook was driving fast, he wasn't drunk but that one image was circulating, Jimin dancing with a random guy, flirting with a bartender. He didn't care but one thing he knew was that Jimin is going to be his future husband, and he never likes to share what was his. He increases the speed, one thing he loves while driving, fastest driving is one of his favourite things.


Jungkook pulled out his car in front of His mansion, and the guards opened the mansion's gate. Jungkook was not in a good mood, he went straight to the kitchen. He gulped the whole glass like he was thirsty for years.

"Jungkook! Where were you at this hour?" asked Mr Jeon.

"Appa, I'm 28 years old, not a kid. Why do you always interrogate for fuck sake? I don't go fucking around Appa! I know you don't believe me, you can ask Namjoon Hyung, you trust him and Hobi Hyung they were with me. We were together the whole time".

"Jungkook, there is nothing like that. Son, I do trust you, but just know that Jimin is going to be your husband, so I don't want anything to happen that hurts his feelings. Your Appa loves you. Just be careful okay?!". Mr Jeon said and was about to go back to his room. But Jungkook stopped him with his words.

"See Appa I know, you wanted him as your son-in-law. Even though you know that I'm fucking straight not interested in him or any man out there. Still, I said yes so please give me some peace of mind, your precious Jimin will be happy with me. Trust me". Jungkook smirked and tapped Mr Jeon's shoulders and walked away.

"Why is everyone obsessed with him? I know he has been Appa's favorite since childhood but even Eomma?...huhhhhhh!"

There was a knock at Jungkook's room. Anna was holding a plate of food.

"Come to Jungkook".

"Master! Your dinner is ready. You didn't even eat anything. Please eat something before you go to bed". Anna was working under Jeon's for a very long time. Jungkook loves this lady and also she loves Jungkook like her own son. Always wait for him even if he comes late at night to make sure that Jungkook eats. She's a lovely and kind lady.

"Okay! I'll eat whenever I feel hungry. You should go and rest, you've been working since morning. It's not good for your health". Jungkook said whilst taking the food plate from her.


Next morning:

"Good morning Jimin!" Eunwoo greeted and opened the car door for Jimin but Jimin was not in a good mood. After whatever happened last night, Jimin's mind was still running. He couldn't believe whatever he had done.

"Eunwoo take a right, we are going to Jin Hyung's cafe". I know after talking with Jin Hyung, I'll feel better, he thought, nodding his head.

Jimin walked out of the car skipping his steps and not even looking straight. He tripped and bumped into a stone-like chest.

"Huh, you idiot can't you walk properly. You son of bitch"!. Jimin said holding his collars tightly and was about to punch, but his hand was stopped by none other than Jeon Jungkook looking straight into Jimin's eyes.

"You little dickhead see what you have done. God gave you eyes to watch and you lil brat ruined my shirt. Do you even know how expensive this shirt is, gosh not only you ruined my shirt but my morning too". Jungkook held Jimin's hands which were on his collars.

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