*Over Heard Conversation*

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Next morning Jimin yawned and squinting his eyes because the sun rays directly his hitting face. Jimin look his left side, Jungkook was sleeping peacefully, Jimin covered his mouth, and closed the distance between them and place a kiss not only a but kisses. He let out a giggle were about to get out the blanket, Jungkook pulled him.

"Huh I caught you Jimin, now you just watch out you lil brat". Jungkook hovered over Jimin and pinned him down, "see now what I'm going to do with you. You like to play right". Jungkook took out lube bottle but he had evil idea instead he throw back the lube in the cabinet. Jimin's eyes were wide wasn't thinking straight he was already aroused.

"I'll be fucking you raw Jimin"Jungkook pulled down Jimin's shorts in one go and placed his members and pushed it without out warning. Younger let out scream, instantly covered his mouth older thrusting him like animal there's no tomorrow the room was filled groans and moans. Older changed their positions now younger  was sitting over his face and he was practically eating his face.

Jungkook'ah aah J- Jungk Jungkoo Jimin lost his ability to form words

Before Jimin can come over his stomach Jungkook stood up from the bed and pass the smirk. 

"Baby it's your punishment what you did yesterday, you will remember now you should not mess with me again". Jungkook smirked and enter the bathroom.

You fucking Jungkook that's not fine, you monster, you gorgyle. Jimin was panting hard because of the denial orgasms. He can't believe Jungkook just did this. Jungkook locked the door with wide grin.

Baekhyun, and Jungkook was talking about something there was Jimin hiding behind the wall. Jimin was wearing skirt with top crop and dangling earrings with smokey eyes.

"What are you doing Jimin, behind the wall someone whispered"

Nothing shuhhh let me hear what they are talking, Jimin focused again but there was tap on his shoulders he ignored.

"Let me hear them would you" Jimin was about to push that person, but stopped at the spot.

"Jin hyung, what are doing here I thought you were with mom. Jimin feeling embarrassed because he was over hearing his Boyfriend's and Jungkook conversation.

"Explain Jimin what were you doing just", Jin raised his brows and crossed his arms.

"Oh I ju- just wanted to hear what they were saying nothing just forget Jin hyung".

Jimin listen I don't know but me and Baekhyun are together for 7 years. If you have anything just tell me trust me it will be between us". Jin said

"Oh nothing trust me Jin hyung it was I was just wanted hear, hwta Jungkook is into other than doing business. I know there's more what he shows that's not exactly him. Once I heard them saying something about guns so yeah." Jimin lowered his face and fidgeting with little fingers.

"See I can't say anything right now, you will eventually find out or not that's not my business to infer. So you shouldn't over hear someone's conversation. I was here to call you we have to go to the market for shopping, You love shopping right". Jin did not wait for Jimin, he pulled Jimin with him.

"Jin hyung I went recently with tae", Jimin accepted his fate the way Jin was pulling him menas there's no way he can let him go.


What are you doing here, the voice was heard from the backyard. The voice was just low, not that loud.

"See I told you not to show anything, but you assholes never listen to me". Jungkook said the figure standing next to Jungkook was wearing a long black jacket, and covered his face with a mask.

Slow pace foots steps  can be heard from far, indicating someone was coming

"Shhh you idiot how many times I've to tell you to shut your mouth" Jungkook said in the basement.

Jungkook loves why are you here at this time, who you were talking about, who was there? I heard someone Jimin asked too many questions with his hand gestures and out of breaths due to.

"Hey hey relax, there was no one there. Come here you just do something". Jungkook polled Jimin from his collar and held his shoulders in so Jimin could not move.

"But I heard something, I'm sure don't make me fool Jungkook. I'm not that stupid but if you think I am then you are mistaken here. I know you are hiding something, I overheard your conversation with Baekhyun hyung too". Jimin chest were having up and down.

"See Jimin there's nothing to talk about and I can't say what you heard your see". Jungkook narrowed his eyes and left that place without listening Jimin who was screaming Jungkook to stop.

"That asshole I know there's something I will find out Jeon Jungkook. You don't know me baby bun just wait and see" Jimin's voice was deep and eyes were burning.

Baekhyun, Jin, Namjoon and Jungkook were in a club at private section. The atmosphere was heavy.

Jin talked first " "see I told everyone, it wasn't a good idea to hide such a thing with uncle park and uncle Jeon. What are we going to say if they find out huh. What about Jimin you all, we should have tell him after all it's his decision to decide right"

Baekhyun "baby why are you worrying about this Jungkook will handle this just trust me" Jin leaned back Baekhyun basically all over Jin like a koala and being clingy couples. Others, especially Jungkook was giving bombastic side eyes, he had a choice he would bring Jimin with him here. Some of the strippers were pole dancing making eye contact with Jungkook but Jungkook was only imagining Jimin and how he can dance on pole, his smooth skin and the expressions. He was getting hard by thinking about this, but right now he can't do anything. He has to wait. Jimin is angry and the sexual desire is something they can hold back for days.

"Guys you all have fun I'll be going one more thing Jin hyung don't spill anything in front of Jimin. I know you can't just shut your pretty mouth, Baekhyun hyung handled him if he didn't shut his mouth you have to". Saying those words Jungkook grabbed his keys and wallet and put money on the table.

He was humming his favorite song, and he has been listening for a few days " seven days a week, every hour, every minute, every second and night after night I'll be loving you right! I'll be fucking you right seven days a week.

How does an artist get that idea? Huh now I can't wait to fuck Jimin seven days a week ".

Jungkook parked the car with the speed of light, rolled his sleeves and entered His Mansion . The darkness covered his eyes, "Jimin, Mom, Yunjin" Where are all of you guys"

Jungkook started walking towards his room, turning on all the lights. Jimin wasn't there, he opened the washroom door but no one there no sound was coming out from anywhere. Jungkook decided to wait for everyone, after a few hours there was a knock on the door.

Jungkook opened his eyes to see how this is, there was Mr Jeon standing there folding his hands.

"Oh mom, why are you standing there, and where is everyone and Jimin? Jungkook asked with confusion written on his face.

"You should know better, Jungkook, where is your husband? How do I tell you? Did you fight with Jimin or say something to him? Don't tell me you are cheating on him. I swear to Jungkook that this will be your last day here" Mr Jeon said with concerned

"Mom I'm not cheating on him, we had a little argument. That's it he is stubborn. Don't you worry I'll talk with him" Jungkook squeezes her mom's hands.

"But he went to his parents house packing all stuffs. We were there to find out what exactly happened. He didn't tell us anything, only crying and saying we should ask you about this. Bring my son in law back or you'll be out of this house"

"Hahahaha mom don't worry, trust me I'll bring your brat son in law back okay. Now go and rest.

End of chapter

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So I know it might be boring chapter but in up comings I'll try my best and you'll see more interaction with Bangchan and Jimin or wtg Jungkook let's find out together.

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