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- Loves affection of any kind, so yes, she loves kisses

- She often peppers your face with kisses, especially when she just gets to see you after a long day of being everyone's idol

- Lots of hugs and kisses from her


- Likes kisses, gives a decent amount

- Kisses don't make her full on flustered, but the blush on her face can still be seen a little

- Can't stop herself from smiling after a kiss


- Pearl likes kisses as well

- Might pull you into a hug by your neck if you were the one who kissed her

- Again, will shamelessly yank you down to her level to give you affection


- Marina likes kisses, not really anyone here who doesn't ]:/

- She thinks it's absolutely adorable when you kiss her

- Probably gonna pat your head, and treat you a little like if she were to see a cute puppy


- She's good with a few kisses, but what can I say, she likes her personal space

- If you've built up a lot of trust with her, she may occasionally give you a few kisses

- Kisses fluster her a lot though, she's definitely not used to them


- Likes kisses as well, but most of the time, after kisses she'll rather aggressively pull you into a tight hug

- She'd feel pretty bad if one of her hugs hurt you, but that doesn't mean she'll stop, she'd just try to do it less hard

- What can she say? It's a natural reaction to be overwhelmed after seeing something cute

Big Man:

- (Big Man's scenarios are platonic)

Agent 8:

- Loves kisses and isn't ashamed of it

- She's probably gonna giggle like a little kid and sort of hop in place after a kiss

- Lot of hugs later as pay back for any kisses you gave her

New Agent 3:

- She's rather weird when it comes to kisses

- She won't give you any unless you give her some first

- Still, gives a lot of kisses after only one from you


- Oh boy

- Kisses get her more flustered than everyone in this book combined

- She does like them, it just takes some getting used to

- Although, give her too many and she may legitimately pass out

Me after Nintendo made the Octo Expansion $20 this year opposed to the $50 I payed for it a couple years ago:

Me after Nintendo made the Octo Expansion $20 this year opposed to the $50 I payed for it a couple years ago:

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Hope y'all enjoyed :P

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