Chapter 7

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Lilya had woken Eleanor up and started helping her pack some clothes and items she would need. Eleanor was told to meet at the throne room at lunch to meet the others and get ready to depart. She didn't know where they were going or what the plan was, but she hoped she had made the right decision by going.

Before long, there was a knock on the door. It was Adrian. "You can't change my mind. I am going," Eleanor told him. Adrian walked into the room. "I still wish you wouldn't go, but I do understand why you have to. I came here to wish you a good trip, say goodbye, and escort you to the throne room later."

Eleanor went out on the balcony and sat on the chair she had brought out there. Adrian took out a chair to sit on the balcony too. "What do you know about this Zagreus guy?" Eleanor asked. "I do not know much, just what I have heard from other people. He has the ability to shapeshift into any animal or human he has seen and he uses that ability to kill people. I have heard he is gruesome, and that it does not look pretty when he kills. That is why I do not like the thought of you going to look for him," he said, looking at her. "Honestly, I am scared, but as I told you yesterday, I need to do this."

They sat in silence for a while, not knowing what to say to one another until Eleanor broke the silence. "Are you gonna be fine here at the castle?" she asked and looked at him. She knew something had been bothering him a lot lately, but he had still not told her what. "I have survived this long. I will be fine, so do not worry," he reassured her. She was not reassured. He had used the word "survive," which made her wonder if he was really living. "It's good to survive but try to live a little too," she said and looked at him.

He looked out into the distance. "I do hope that someday I will get to find out what else there is to life."

They sat there together for a while, thinking and enjoying the beautiful scenery. Suddenly, Adrian stood up. "We should go," he said and looked away.

Eleanor slowly stood up and started to follow him with a heavy heart. As they went through her room, she grabbed the two bags that Lilya had packed for her. Then they continued down the hallway in silence, not knowing what to say to one another. They reached the door to the throne room and stopped, looking at each other.

"I can go in there with you, but we will probably not get a proper chance to say goodbye to each other, so we have to do it now," Adrian said. They looked at each other. "I don't like goodbyes," Eleanor said and looked away.

Adrian put an arm on her shoulder. "I am gonna be here when you come back. I will not leave you." Eleanor nodded.

"Can I get a hug before we go in?" she asked him. It had been so long since she had last been hugged. "O... okay," he said. As Eleanor and Adrian stood face to face, their eyes locked in an awkward moment of uncertainty.

Their embrace was hesitant, and their movements slightly stiff as their arms hovered in the air for a split second before finally touching. It was a delicate and cautious touch, lacking the familiarity and ease of a well-practiced hug. The hug was filled with a blend of nervousness and genuine warmth.

It lasted only a moment before they released each other. Then they looked at each other for a moment in silence, not saying the things they wanted to before they slowly went into the throne room.

As they entered, Eleanor could see five people standing around the King. She recognized Daren and Lucas, but she had never seen the other guy and the two girls.

Eleanor and Adrian walked up to the group. "Welcome, you two. Eleanor, let me introduce you to some of my elite warriors," the King said and looked at her.

He pointed at Lucas and Daren. "You already know Lucas and Daren and their abilities, so they need no introductions. I have assigned them to this mission to be your bodyguards and ensure your safe return. But you have never met Seraphina here. She has the power of enhanced senses, which makes her a formidable strategist and perfect for locating Zagreus and making the perfect plan to capture him," the King said and pointed at one of the girls. Seraphina was beautiful and looked like a real-life Snow White. She had pale white skin and midnight black flat hair. Her eyes had a very striking amethyst color she had never seen in a pair of eyes before.

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