Chapter 10

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Eleanor had a plan for the day. She wanted to find out if what the stranger had told her yesterday was true or not. But she knew that no one would want to talk badly about the king in public, so she needed to come up with a plan.

After breakfast, she asked the bartender for some paper and a pen because if they were not willing to talk about it, maybe they were willing to write about it.

Now she just needed to find a target. She wanted someone who had a high chance of knowing her father.

Then she saw her. An older woman with silver-gray hair pulled back in a bun. She wore an elegant dress and a string of pearls around her neck. Eleanor had seen her every day at the tavern during her stay. She was sure she was a regular.

Eleanor approached the woman. "Can I sit here?" she asked the woman. "Of course. Be my guest," the woman answered. Eleanor sat down. "I was hoping you could help me with something." "What can I do for you, my dear child?" the woman asked.

Eleanor took a deep breath and took out the pen and paper she had gotten from the bartender. "Do you know anything about William Thompson?" She looked at Eleanor for a bit. "I'm not sure." Eleanor placed the paper in front of her.

"I understand you might not be able to talk about him here, but maybe you can write down what you know on this paper." The woman took the paper and pen. "Why do you want to know about him?"

Eleanor took a moment to debate whether she should tell her he is her dad or not. "I can't tell you because then you might not want to tell me anything," Eleanor said and looked down at the table. "Now I'm intrigued. I promise I will tell you everything I know, no matter what," she said with curiosity sparkling in her eyes.

Eleanor looked up at the woman. "I recently found out he is my dad, and I want to know what kind of man he is." The woman slightly shook her head. "Poor girl." She grabbed the pen. "Let me write down what I know as promised," the woman said.

Eleanor watched as the woman wrote down everything she knew. Eleanor could feel her hands growing sweatier. The woman folded the paper together. "Read it when you are alone," she said and gave Eleanor the paper.

"What's your name, child?""Eleanor." She gave Eleanor a little smile out of pity. "Eleanor, my dear child, remember our parents do not define us." Eleanor stood up with the paper.

"Thank you so much, uh..." She didn't know her name. "Isabella Hawthorne, and you are welcome," she said with a smile. Eleanor nodded and smiled. She left and went to her room to read the paper.

She read:

"In my many years spent amidst the ebb and flow of tavern gossip, I have come across whispers and tales of a man named William Thompson. It is said that he served the king as his most trusted assassin, carrying out the monarch's commands without hesitation. His lethal skills and the ability to nullify all powers that surrounded him made him a formidable force on the battlefield. Trained for years within the castle walls, his combat prowess was renowned among those who knew of his existence.

However, tragedy struck his life when his child was taken, and his beloved wife met a sorrowful end. From that point forward, the shadows concealed his whereabouts, and his presence became but a fading memory. Speculation lingers as to his fate, with some suggesting that he may have met a grim demise or been imprisoned by the king himself. It is believed that he harbored deep discontent regarding the events that befell his family, and such sentiments would not have gone unnoticed by those in power.

As an observer from a distance, I cannot provide personal insights into William's character. Our paths never crossed, and his enigmatic nature kept him shrouded from my prying ears. Yet, through the tendrils of whispered rumors, I share with you what I have heard.

May this small glimpse into the past aid you in your quest for understanding. I wish you strength and fortune on your path of discovery, dear child."

The stranger from yesterday had been right. Her dad had really worked for the king as his assassin and killed a bunch of people. Eleanor laid down on the bed. She did not know what to think or feel. Could the king have killed her dad, or was he still alive but imprisoned? She couldn't believe that she had been lied to.

Eleanor just laid there until it was dinner time, and she started to become hungry. She went down to the tavern and ordered some food. After she had eaten, she needed to confront Daren and Lucas. She wanted answers.

Eleanor's heart pounded with a mix of apprehension and determination as she approached the corner of the tavern where Daren and Lucas were engaged in a hushed conversation. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for what lay ahead. Their expressions shifted from surprise to mild annoyance as they noticed her presence.

"Daren, Lucas," she began, her voice steady but laced with an undercurrent of frustration.

"We need to talk." Daren's brow furrowed, a faint glimmer of guilt in his eyes, while Lucas leaned back, crossing his arms with an air of nonchalance. Eleanor's gaze shifted between the two, her determination bolstered by her burning desire for answers.

"Why didn't either of you tell me anything about my father? About his role as the king's assassin?" Eleanor's voice trembled with a mix of anger and hurt, her eyes searching theirs for any hint of remorse or explanation.

Daren sighed heavily, his eyes darting nervously as he struggled to meet her gaze. "Eleanor, we couldn't tell you the truth. We have been ordered by the king not to tell you anything." "But why?" she pressed, her voice tinged with urgency. "Why keep it a secret?"

Lucas leaned forward, his voice edged with a hint of annoyance. "Look, Eleanor, it's not as simple as it seems. There are things you don't understand, things that—"

"I don't care how complicated it is!" Eleanor interjected, her voice rising in defiance. "I deserve to know the truth. I deserve to know about my father. He might not even be dead. I thought I could trust you guys. I thought we were friends," she said with a trembling voice.

Her words hung in the air, tension crackling between them. Daren sighed again, his guilt evident in his weary expression for a second before turning back to his cold expression. "Who told you about your father?" he asked. "What?" Eleanor looked at him. "Who told you?" he asked again, more annoyed. "Why does it matter?" "It was that guy you talked to yesterday, wasn't it?" Daren said in an accusing voice. She was shocked and did not respond for a moment. Daren smiled. "I knew it." He looked at Lucas."We got him," he said.

Shock was plastered on Lucas' face. "You think it was Zagreus?" Daren nodded.

"What?" Eleanor was baffled. "Why would you think that?" she questioned. Daren looked at her. "Firstly, he loves orphan kids like yourself. Secondly, he told you that your dad is not dead, because he knows that he didn't kill him. Thirdly, he told you some bad stuff about the king, right?" Eleanor looked away. "See. It was him" Daren says with a big smile.

Eleanor looks at him again. "Wait!" So you are saying my dad is not dead?" Let's make a plan with the others," said Lucas, not acknowledging her question. Eleanor couldn't believe that the guy she had talked to was Zagreus. He seemed like a nice guy when they talked. She remembered what he had said about the king making and keeping orphans.

"What is the real reason you are after Zagreus?" she asked, crossing her arms. "He is the most dangerous of the rebels that are working against the king, and the king ordered him executed," Daren said, staring at her emotionlessly. She took a step back. The king wanted him dead. It would be her fault if he got caught.

"I'm not going to let you capture him," she said, trying to look tough. Daren put an arm on her shoulder. "We are not going to let you jeopardize our mission. We will capture Zagreus and we will make sure you return to the castle safe and sound," he said, while tightening his grip on her shoulder. They then took her to her room and locked it.

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