Chapter 11

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She couldn't sleep all night. She knew that the elite squad, Daren, and Lucas were gonna capture Zagreus and it would be her fault. Zagreus had helped her, and she owed it to him to help him too. She somehow needed to make sure he didn't get captured. But the problem was that she couldn't do anything from within her locked room. So before she could think of trying to save him, she needed to find a way out.

"If I could just use my portal powers it would be the easiest thing in the world to get out," she thought to herself. She had been trying all night to manifest a portal but with no luck.

She had thought about jumping out the window but she was on the second story and was not sure if she could break a leg from that fall, and she didn't wanna risk it.

Suddenly, she heard a metallic click and the door to her room opened. Lucas walked in with a tray of food. Eleanor was sitting on the bed so Lucas put the food tray beside her.

"Sorry we have to lock you up, Eleanor. But you must understand that we can't let you interfere with our mission to capture Zagreus." Eleanor didn't look at him.

"Did Zagreus say anything about coming back and if so, did he say when he would be back?" Eleanor started to eat her porridge.

Lucas crouched down in front of her. "Come on, Eleanor. If you know anything you have to tell us. We all just wanna capture Zagreus as fast as possible so we can go back to the castle."

Eleanor looked at him. "I am not gonna help you capture a man that has done nothing to me but help me, just so the king can execute him?"

Lucas stood up again. "You don't understand Eleanor. He has killed countless people. He is a monster and he needs to be stopped." He clenches his fist.

"And how can I believe anything you or Daren tells me?" Eleanor went back to her food.

Lucas sighed and left the room, locking the door on his way out.

Eleanor was lost and couldn't tell what was right and wrong anymore but she had learned not to trust Daren and Lucas. From the conversation Eleanor had had with Zagreus, her gut feeling told her that Zagreus didn't deserve to get executed, and she wouldn't let them.

She was not even sure Zagreus would come back to the tavern but Daren, Lucas, and the elite squad thought he would, so she had to be there to help him escape. But how would she

get out of her room.

She was laying on her bed with her eyes closed, brainstorming possible ways to escape when she heard voices through the floorboards.

"He is on his way here, guys. Let's get into positions!" Seraphina shouted.

Panic instantly invoked in Eleanor, and she jumped out of bed. She frantically looked around the room. She needed to think fast.

She went over to her window and opened it, hoping for the slight chance that Zagreus would walk by her window, but she wasn't that lucky.

Time was ticking. She knew she needed to get there before he was captured because there was no way she could free him.

She started to kick the door, in hopes it would break. Lucky for her she had good leg muscles after running so much and she could hear the door getting weaker and weaker from every kick.

The door suddenly burst open and broke. Eleanor then ran down the stairs to the tavern. Zagreus was sitting at a window seat by himself, and the elite squad, Daren, and Lucas were slowly and quietly approaching him.

They all turned to her as she stumbled down the stairs. "Zagreus, it's a trap. Hurry out of here!" she shouted.

Panic flashed on Zagreus's face before he turned himself into a small yellow bird. He flew around trying to find a way out but all the doors and windows were closed. There was no escape, and the elite squad, Lucas, and Daren all tried to catch him. Rylan used his ice powers to freeze him in place, but Zagreus was faster.

Everyone was in a panic as Zagreus flew around with an ice trail following him. Eleanor had to make a way for him to escape before it was too late. Then she remembered. "Zagreus, the window in my room is open!" She shouted and pointed up the stairs. Zagreus instantly changed his course and flew up the stairs and away.

Silence filled the tavern as everyone realized that he was gone. A chill went up her spine as ice covered her feet and froze her in place. Rylan walked up to her and slapped her face.

"What the hell do you think you are doing? You just cost us our mission!" he shouted inches from her face. Eleanor looked away.

Daren pushed Rylan away. "How fucking dare you slap her! It's our mission to keep her safe and if you EVER touch her again, you are dead!" he shouted at Rylan.

Rylan pushed him back. "Im gonna fucking kill you!" He made an ice sword appear in his hands. "Not if I kill you first!" Daren shouted back as he hardened his skin.

Seraphina walked in between the two. "Stop it you two! This is not the time or place for this. We are on a mission so let's act professional about it." Rylan dissolved all his ice, freeing Eleanor, and Daren unhardened his skin again.

Seraphina turned to Lucas. "Lucas, can you take Eleanor up to her room?" Lucas nodded and started to pull Eleanor up the stairs with him. When they got to the upper floor, Lucas saw her door lying on the floor.

"You can have my room. I don't think I will be getting any sleep tonight anyway," he said and sighed. He then locked her in his room.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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