Chapter 3

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Daren and Lucas led Eleanor down the hallway away from the throne room. "You were one lucky girl," said Lucas. "Don't say that just yet, Lucas. She might just get her punishment at dinner later. The king do like a good dinner and show," said Daren, smirking at Eleanor and making her nervous. "Don't torture the girl. She has been through a lot already. If the king wanted to punish her, he would have already," said Lucas. Eleanor let out a sigh.

They all continued to walk down the hallway until the two guards stopped in front of a door. "This is your room," Daren said, pointing at the door. "Go in and get yourself comfortable. We will go and find a maid who will come and help you get ready for dinner with the king tonight," explained Lucas. The two guards left down the hallway, leaving Eleanor alone.

She slowly opened the door. Inside, she found an equally beautiful bedroom as the one she had stepped into from the portal. The only difference was that this one had a balcony. She instantly went over to open the balcony door. As she opened the door, the wind welcomed her by caressing her hair. Eleanor walked out and looked down at the beautiful scenery. She could get used to this view. She moved a chair out onto the balcony and slowly got lost in thought.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Eleanor jumped in her seat. After gathering herself she walked over to open the door. Outside the door stood a young woman with shoulder-length brown hair, brown eyes, freckles, and wearing a classic black and white maid uniform. She was holding a basket with what looked like clothes in it.

"Hello, my name is Lilya Hawthorne, and I'm going to be your own personal maid. I'm here now to help you get ready for dinner with the king tonight," Lilya said. Eleanor moved to the side. "Come in. It's nice to meet you. My name is Eleanor. Um... How is this going to work? I have never had a maid before," Eleanor said, feeling a bit unsure.

Lilya walked into the room and put the basket on the bed. "First, we need to get you out of your clothes, and then I'll help get you washed in the bathtub. Then I'm going to help you get into your new clothes and do your hair and makeup," Lilya explained. Eleanor's face turned red. "Uh... Is it maybe possible that I, uh... could take a bath by myself?" Eleanor asked, feeling a bit embarrassed. "If that is what the lady wishes, then it shall be that way," Lilya responded politely.

After the bath, Lilya helped Eleanor get into her evening gown. "As I thought, it fits perfectly," said Lilya happily. The gown was stunning. It was blue with a big bow on top, off-shoulder sleeves, and layers of beautiful flowing fabric. Eleanor was scared she would ruin it. "Does everyone here always wear dresses this beautiful for dinner?" asked Eleanor. "Only nobility and royalty. Let me get you a chair, and then I will start doing your hair," said Lilya. Lilya went and picked up a chair from the balcony. Eleanor sat down, and Lilya began styling her hair. They chatted, and Eleanor got to know more about Lilya, about how she worked at the castle to provide for her family, and how she took a lot of pride in her work.

While Lilya was doing Eleanor's makeup, there was a knock on the door. Lilya went and opened the door. It was the crown prince. "We are almost done, Your Majesty. I'm just missing a few things with her makeup," said Lilya. "Alright then, I will go wait in the library," said the prince, about to leave.

"Wait! Why don't you just come in and wait? It's only gonna take a second," said Eleanor, not understanding the proper etiquette in this situation. She couldn't help but think it was stupid for him to leave when they were almost done. "If you are sure, I won't be in the way," he replied. "Of course you won't. Just come in. You are here to take me to dinner with your dad, right?" asked Eleanor. "Yeah, I am here to accompany you," he said and walked into the room. Lilya closed the door and went back to doing Eleanor's makeup.

"I have to ask this. Um... Do you think your dad is gonna punish me at dinner for accidentally trespassing?" Eleanor asked not looking him in the eyes. "I do not know what would have given you that idea, but I know my father, and if he wanted to punish you, he would have done so already. So you have nothing to worry about. This will just be a dinner," he reassured her. Eleanor sighed.

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