Chapter 2

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As Eleanor walked through the portal, the sky changed from night to day. She found herself inside the room and looked around. Everything in the room looked even more breathtaking in person. She noticed a window and walked over to it to have a peek. Outside was a stunning garden full of the most beautiful flowers she had ever seen. There were bushes, trees, benches, and statues. She really wanted to go out there to take it all in.

Then she noticed the people. She assumed they were gardeners maintaining the garden. There were also some people walking around in groups and in uniforms. They had to be guards on patrol. "Where am I?" she thought.

She didn't know what to do, but she knew she could not stay here. She slowly opened the door, afraid of what she might find. The door led her to a long hallway decorated with beautiful paintings and sculptures. She started walking down the hallway.

Eleanor was so entranced by the beautiful decorations that she didn't notice the two guards walking towards her. They stopped right in front of her. "Hey! Who are you, and what is your business here?" asked the first guard with a stern voice. He had messy brown hair and brown eyes. His right hand was holding onto a sword, ready to unsheathe it. He didn't seem like someone you would want to mess with. The second guard looked a lot friendlier, with his ginger hair, freckles, and green eyes. He was holding out his hand in a weird position that made it look like he wanted to push Eleanor.

Eleanor jumped and instinctively put her hands up in the air. "I-I, uh... My name is Eleanor. I do not know where I am. I came through a... a portal of some sort," Eleanor stammered and looked frantically between the two.

The two guards looked at each other. Then the first guard spoke again. "Let's take her to the king, so he can judge for himself what should be done with her." "The king?" Eleanor asked and lowered her trembling hands. They took her hands and put them behind her back, leading her down the hallway.

"Yeah, the king. Who else did you think would own this big castle?" asked the first guard. "I... I didn't even know this was a castle. A portal appeared in front of me in a forest, and I walked through it. I... uh don't even think I'm in the same world anymore."

Each one of them held her hands tightly behind her back. The second guard finally spoke. "Eleanor, was it?" She quietly said yes. "Not to imply that you are lying, but nobody has ever had the power to summon portals."

"What he is saying is that you sound crazy," said the first guard with a slight laugh. To her, this was far from a laughing matter. She had no idea what the king might do with her for trespassing. For all she knew, the king could have her killed. She could only hope that telling the truth had been the right decision, and that the king wouldn't think she was crazy.

They reached a massive double door. It was decorated with gold. The two guards holding her talked to the guards by the door, and then the door opened. She was led into the grand throne room. A long red carpet ran from the door to the two thrones at the back. The ceiling held the most enormous and beautiful chandelier she had ever seen. The walls were adorned with hanging flags. Along the walls stood many guards, ready to defend the king if needed.

A group of people stood in front of the thrones, conversing with the king. As they moved aside, Eleanor could get a better look at the king and the man sitting beside him on a smaller throne. He must be the crown prince.

"What is the meaning of this?" asked the king. The thrones were placed on a raised platform, elevated above the rest of the room. The king looked imposing and powerful, even while seated. He was bald with icy blue eyes, wearing a flowing obsidian black cape and an iron crown. He leaned forward on his throne.

The two guards recounted everything Eleanor had told them to the king. Then they made her kneel before him. Suddenly, the king burst into deep, roaring laughter. Eleanor trembled. "Stand up, child," ordered the king. The guards released her, and she slowly rose to her feet.

The crown prince observed the scene with interest, his gaze shifting between the two. He had wavy chestnut hair that fell gracefully to his shoulders, and his emerald green eyes matched the green blazer with gold embroidery he wore.

"What is your name, child?" "My... my name is... uh, Eleanor," she answered, looking down. "Did you know this was my castle?" "No, no. I had no clue. Honestly, I... uh just wanted an escape and the portal led me here," she said, hoping her honesty would help her out of this situation.

The first guard elbowed her in the side and whispered to her, "My king". "My king," she quickly added, performing a swift bow.

The king reclined in his throne. "Daren, Lucas, get her a room and make her comfortable. Ensure she joins me and the crown prince for dinner tonight." Eleanor let out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding. All eyes in the room were fixed on the king.

"But she was trespassing," the first guard blurted out, immediately covering his mouth with his hand. "Never question me, Daren!" shouted the king and stood up. Eleanor was startled by the sudden outburst. "I'm so sorry, my king. It will never happen again," Daren said, bowing down before the king.

"Now leave us," the king said and pointed at the door. Daren stood up again, and he and Lucas led Eleanor out of the throne room.

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