Fang 2: God I Love Trampolining

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(First Person POV you get it yadayadayada)

Y/N: We made it.

Jaune: Yup

Ruby: We're just on time!

As soon as we all head in, I turn around to check up on- Nevermind they're both gone.

???: Excuse me?

Y/N: Oh. Hello?

???: Uh... Do you mind me asking who that blonde guy was?

Y/N: Uhh... Well, I do think it'd better to ask him yourself... *nervous laughter*

???: Ah right, that was silly of me. Probably came off as creepy if I'm being honest.

Y/N: Yeah. Uhm... Should we introduce ourselves? Uhm, who are you?

Man I'm awkward as hell.

???: Huh?

Y/N: Is something wrong?

???: Uh- No. Sorry. My name is Pyrrha Nikos.

Y/N: My name is Y/N Astra. Nice to meet you.

Pyrrha: Uhm, you too. By the way, no offense but, aren't you a bit young to be here?

Y/N: That's what my mother and some other person said. I guess I am bit young but the headmaster himself allowed me here, along with someone else, which is really cool.

Pyrrha: Oh, I see. Meeting with the headmaster. You must've been special for you to catch his eye.

Y/N: Well, there was this other girl who was also with me. I was looking for her actually. We came here together but I got lost in here.

Pyrrha: Hmm, what does she look like? I might be able to find her.

Y/N: She wears red and black, has a dress-

Pyrrha: Is that her over there?

Huh? Oh damn she's actually pointing at Ruby.

Y/N: Oh! Thank you so much Pyrrha!

Pyrrha: No problem, good luck Y/N.

I rushed past the crowd and met up with Ruby. Actually now that I think about it that Pyrrha person is a little weird-

Ruby: Oh hey Y/N!

Y/N: Hi, I sorta got lost here.

Yang: Yo, what's up?

Y/N: The sky.

Yang: Real funny.

Y/N: Sorry... Bad habit.

Ruby: *chuckles*

Yang: Anyways, how was my sister's first day?

Ruby: *sigh* Good other than the fact that you left me and I blew up.

Yang: Yikes, meltdown already?

Ruby: No, like literally.

Yang: Hmmm... Are you lying?

Ruby: I wish. I blew up! There was this girl, who shouted at me, and then she kept on shouting, then I blew up, and then shouted more and then some other girl came and then Y/N blew up too-

Weiss: YOU!

Ruby: AHHH!

Y/N: Uhh...

Weiss: You're lucky you weren't blown off the side of the cliff! Though for Mr. Kitty's case, he probably didn't deserve it. Unless you're part of the White Fang, then I'd watch you blow up over and over again.

Generic RWBY Fanfic (RWBY x Male Reader) [That just so happens to be a Faunus]Where stories live. Discover now