Fang 5: Beef already?!

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(First Person POV)

Sandwiches are done! I better head back to the classroom though, wouldn't wanna miss Weiss's big show.

Hm? How'd I make the sandwiches so fast? Well I just took the tuna, drained the liquid from the can, added mayo and some other random seasoning I brought and just made sandwiches! Cooking is that easy! Well, I would've toasted it if I had the time.

Heading out of the dorm, I make my way back to the classroom only to see Ruby, who seems to be feeling down. I probably missed what happened. Probably shouldn't have had that internal monologue about sandwiches.

Y/N: Uh, you okay Ruby?

Ruby: Y/N... Do you think I'm a bad leader?

Y/N: Huh?! Where's this coming from?

Ruby: Weiss said I was a really bad leader and now she's angry at me... I'm such a failure of a leader...

Y/N: Ehh... Well I'd say it's too early to call yourself a bad leader.

Ruby: But I'm messing up a lot...

Y/N: Besides even if you were a bad leader, you can still improve. Not that I'm saying you're bad or anything I think you're doing great.

Ruby: Really? You think so.

Y/N: I'm not a professional so don't believe all that I say, but I think you've done pretty well, from the cleaning of our room and cheering me on during the little Grimm fight.

Ruby: Thanks.

Y/N: Though remember to not get too comfortable, we still need to improve! And also that I'm probably not the best cat who you should be talking to.

Ruby: You're probably right but it's nice to hear it from a teammate.

Y/N: Well, you should probably talk to Weiss, wouldn't want to stay on bad terms with a teammate now would you?

Ruby: Got it! And thank you, Y/N.

Y/N: No problem!

Ruby: I'll go talk to Weiss and fix this!

Y/N: Oh right! You want a sandwich?

Ruby: Sure! Wouldn't wanna tackle a problem on an empty stomach!

Y/N: Now that's more like it! Good luck on your mission soldier!

Ruby: Aye aye sir!

We both chuckle and then go our separate ways. Now I gotta find Blake and give her this sandwich. Is she outside? Or maybe I should go back to the dorm-

Blake: Yo.

Y/N: AHH! You scared me!

Blake: My bad.

Y/N: Oh wait, Blake! Got your sandwich!

Blake: Thanks. Let's eat this outside.

You both head outside into a secluded area of the school. After some tuna-dealing, the both of you decided to chow down.

Y/N: I should try this with Salmon.

Blake: It'd be a waste, sandwiches like these are good for using up canned fish. I'd personally just eat the salmon like I would a steak if I had the luxury of doing so.

Y/N: Yeah you're right. Oh hey, you took your bow off.

Blake: Yeah.

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