Fang 8: THE PLOT STRAYS FROM THE ORIGINAL?! (Gone Wrong!?!?11!) (I tried)

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(First Person POV, you get the gist of it)

Eh... Huh? Why am I in professor Ozpin's office? How do I know that it's his office. Am I in trouble-

Ozpin: Ah, seems you're finally awake. Guess she wasn't lying...

Y/N: Oh... Uh...

Ozpin: It's quite alright Mr. Astra, though I'm sorry I had to use some creamer instead of actual milk.

Y/N: Ah... N-no w-worries!

Ozpin: Well, I suppose it's time we get onto today's topic, do you know why you're here?

Y/N: I think it's quite obvious that I don't know why I'm here.

Ozpin: It's an obligation to ask that before providing anybody with information that would surely confuse them.

Y/N: Makes sense.

Ozpin: *chuckles* Like mother, like son I suppose... Anyways you are here because of your performance.

Y/N: Oh... I see.

Ozpin: Don't worry you're not in trouble, but you'll be in for a lot of trouble.

Y/N: I'm sorry but what?

Ozpin: While you are not being punished, the difficulty of training will be much more advanced than the current course we provide to our other students.

Y/N: Ah... Wait training?

Ozpin: Yes, training. I will be letting you personally train under a professional huntsman who I have picked out myself.

Y/N: Oh. Is it my mom?

Ozpin: No, it isn't, and I won't tell you who it is until our other student arrives.

Y/N: Other student?

Ozpin: You could make a pretty good guess on who it might be.

Pyrrha: Sorry I'm late!

Y/N: Pyrrha?

Pyrrha: Y/N?

Ozpin: Now have a seat. Mr. Astra I do believe you could explain to Ms. Nikos what I've told you just now.

Y/N: Can't you do that yourself? Ah nevermind...

Pyrrha: Is this a punishment of some sort?

Y/N: No, at least that's what the Ozpin said. He was like "You're not in trouble but you'll be in for a lot of trouble" or something like that. We're basically getting trained by a professional huntsman.

Pyrrha: Really?

Y/N: It was something about our performance. I think, I'm not too sure if I'm being honest.

Ozpin: So, I believe it is time for you to go meet your mentor.

Pyrrha: Wait wait wait, how are we going to study academically? Or is our mentor going to do that.

Ozpin: Ah, yes. Unfortunately, your academic studies will have to take place outside of school days. Which means that you will be studying on the weekends.

Pyrrha: Oh... I see.

Y/N: Huh.

Ozpin: But don't worry, you will still have time to relax, albeit much less time, but it's still time regardless. Also your academic studies will not contribute as much to obtaining your license compared to the regular school curriculum.

Pyrrha: That's a relief...

Y/N: Lie-sense? School ker-rick-kyu-lum?

Ozpin: Don't worry about that for now. Anyways, you should head to your mentors now. Pyrhha, there is a bullhead near the entrance waiting to pick you up.

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