Fang 6: Jaundice nuts all over-

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(First Person POV)

Well, that was painful to watch. Seeing Jaune get bodied like that wasn't very fun. I can't help but feel a little mad.

Glynda: Very well, next up, Pyrrha Nikos and Y/N Astra.

Weiss: Oh this isn't gonna look very pretty.

Ruby: Aw c'mon Y/N's got this!

Yang: Look, I think it's good to be optimistic but we gotta be realistic here.

Blake: Awfully Pragmatic of you Yang.

Y/N: Do you guys not believe in me?

Ruby: Of course I do!

Yang/Blake: Ehh...

Weiss: Absolutely not. In fact I'd have so much fun watching your butt get handed to you.

Y/N: *sigh* That was uncalled for. But thanks for the motivation Ruby.

Stepping down into the fighting area, I greet my opponent.

Pyrrha: No hard feelings?

Y/N: Same here.

As soon as the whistle blows, I frantically charge in. Pyrrha's on the more defensive side, probably going to try to play the keep-away game.

Just then, a bullet grazes my leg, I reacted quickly enough to stop it from doing actual damage. It seems she can switch her weapon as well.

Pyrrha: Seems I don't have to go easy on you.

That's worrying. She's extremely precise with that thing. But there seems to be a weakness, a rifle isn't very good in close ranges, if I get in I have an opportunity to fight back.

She continues to fire her rifle, making it hard for me to approach. If this goes on, I'm gonna tire out, but that's fine, I've got maybe like 30 minutes before I tire my brain out.

There! An opening. After just barely dodging a bullet, I get ready to land a roundhouse kick only for it to... miss?

Y/N: Huh?

Pyrrha: Eyes on me.

Quickly dodging, I take a step back to analyze. I don't think I've normally got the time for that but if I keep going in mindlessly I'm not gonna get anything done.

This is definitely the work of her semblance, that blow should've landed. Does she dodge better? No that can't be right-

Y/N: Kh!

I quickly dodge the incoming spear and Pyrrha begins charging in. It seems she's on the offense now. I'm so glad I paid attention during mom's training sessions. I wonder what Ruby and the others think...

NOW'S NOT THE TIME TO BE THINKING OF THIS. I need to quickly figure out her semblance before I get overwhelmed. Can she control my body? But I didn't feel off at all... What if it's my.

Pyrrha: Gotcha!

Before I can think, I'm sent flying across the area. Didn't have my aura up but I guess it still counts. I don't wanna lose this, I've got to impress everyone, like Ruby.

No, not the time. I quickly get back on my feet, only to be greeted by Pyrrha, ready to skewer me half to death...

Why am I scared? I can't seem to move my feet. No... that's not correct either, this isn't a flight, fight or freeze response, I should know that... My boots feel awfully heavy...

Could it be?

Pyrrha's weapon is still about to strike me.

Yang: There he goes...

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