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(Your POV blah blah blah)

Sneaking out at night is probably not a very good idea but hey you gotta do what you gotta do for your besties right? Or is it homies? Ah you get the point. Anyways after sneaking out of my window I head to the water fountain thingy to meet up with Jaune, who had his armor and weapon for some reason.

Jaune: Ah! Didn't think you'd actually come out here this late.

Y/N: I wouldn't do that to you. Would I? Do you really think I'd just leave you hanging?

Jaune: Er- Well no you wouldn't, it's just me being stupid... Hehehe...

Y/N: No worries. Anyways why'd you wanna meet up?

Jaune: Well... I wanna become stronger, and well, you seem like you already know...

Y/N: Is it because I don't have a semblance yet?


Y/N: Did I not tell you? Well that doesn't matter, anyways, you're saying you want me to teach you?

Jaune: Yeah, if you don't mind...

Y/N: I could also use this as an excuse to practice using my own weapons.

Jaune: I'm a training dummy now?!

Y/N: No offense but yeah, pretty much.

Jaune: Didn't think you were this mean Y/N.

Y/N: Hey you said it yourself, I even said "no offense" earlier.

Jaune: That's what they all say before saying the most offensive thing ever.

Y/N: Oh... Sorry.

Jaune: Eh?! It's fine, I was joking...

Y/N: You were? Sorry, I still struggle to spot sarcasm...

Jaune: No problem.

Y/N: Actually in terms of weapon usage I'd say we're about the same.

Jaune: Really?

Y/N: I've never really seriously used my weapon, my mom just sorta gave it to me like a month ago. I still need to learn it but I've been kinda lazy.

Jaune: I know that feeling all too well...

Y/N: But enough about me, what do you wanna practice? We're gonna spend today on the basics of whatever you choose.

Jaune: Uhh, offense-

Y/N: Defense! Good choice!

Jaune: Oh, uhm, I wanted offense actually.

Y/N: Sorry, that's what's called the illusion of free choice, at least that's what I think it is.

Jaune: Huh. That sounds a bit stupid.

Y/N: Yeah it does, anyways what I'm trying to say is, you can't be a good fighter if you don't know how to block.

Jaune: But I do block things.

Y/N: Blocking is an art. It's not as simple as holding your shield in front of an incoming attack.

Jaune: It's not?

Y/N: Yeah a lot of people seem to not know this. I kinda wish I learned it earlier as it made understanding everything after much easier. So I'm giving you a big head start, mainly because you started your journey a bit later than me.

Jaune: Journey?

Y/N: Yeah! Like your journey to becoming a fighter! Or a protector, or whatever you call it. I wasn't always this cool, ya know?

Generic RWBY Fanfic (RWBY x Male Reader) [That just so happens to be a Faunus]Where stories live. Discover now