Fang 4: Four Initials, Five Braincells

338 6 4

(First Person POV)

This is awkward... Sharing a room with four other people. Quite a big jump from being alone... Let's just hope I get used to it.

This silence is awkward. Well, I guess I should just try to sleep. But the problem is I can't! This is annoying.

I guess I'll start cleaning our room. There's a bunch of junk and it'll make tomorrow much easier. Getting out of sleeping bag, I start organizing miscellaneous junk that doesn't belong to anyone. I'm pretty sure we aren't supposed to touch other people's stuff.

Y/N: *whispers* Hmm... That goes there... Alright, we should be able to unpack pretty easily tomorrow...

Well great, now I got nothing to do... Can't touch their bags and-

Ruby: *incoherent mumbling*

Did she just grab my leg?

Ruby: *mumbling* kom on Kresen Roas... Wee neeed to moov...

Oh my god, what do I do what do I do what do I do-


Ruby: Huh? What the-


Ruby: Huh? Oh... That was a dream...

Y/N: ...

Ruby: Oh! Y/N!

Oh my god, oh my god, I'm touching a girl oh my god oh my god.

Y/N: U-uh... Hehehe-

Ruby: Why are you- *realization hits* SORRY!

Y/N: *whisper shout* Shh! They're s-sleeping!

Ruby: Oh.

Y/N: Uhm... M-May you let go?

Ruby: Hm? Oh, sorry. *awkwardly laughing*

I quickly get off, trying my hardest not to make things more awkward.

Y/N: I-it's fine.

Ruby: What are you doing up anyway?

Y/N: Uhh... C-can't sleep?

Ruby: *whisper shout* Wait where's Crescent Rose!?

Y/N: On your left.

Ruby: Huh? Oops, silly me.

Huh, so that's what a girl feels like... Okay now I understand what mom was telling me about "puberty".

Y/N: Well, I guess I'll head back to bed.

Ruby: *whisper shout* Orrrr... We could start unpacking! It's not like you can sleep right?

Y/N: Well... I've sorta already started, cleared the room out and stuff.

Ruby: Why not continue? Come on!

Me and Ruby start unpacking and organizing our stuff while trying out damn hardest not to wake anybody up, which is much harder with how Ruby is so energetic. Seriously, how much energy does she even have?

Ruby: *whisper shouts* Alright! Now we wait for the others!

Y/N: This room is kinda small for 5 people. What's the time?

Ruby: Should be just around dusk. I'll wake Yang up.

Y/N: Whatever you say, I'm gonna freshen up. Let's hope I don't fall asleep in class on the first day...

I get ready for a shower while Ruby almost trips on her sister. I head into the bathroom and shower like a normal person would.

You know, I didn't get any sleep at all. It's strange because I don't feel tired at all- OH MY GOD I'M IN A SCHOOL. I HAVEN'T PROCESSED A SINGLE THING UP UNTIL NOW?!

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