Fang 9: Running out of chapter names...

211 3 4

(Y/N's POV)

After that long day, I'm glad to finally be back at the dorm. That tutor or mentor guy really wasn't playing around, he wouldn't tell me his name until I beat him in a spar- Ow! Yep he definitely hit me there... And that's a wound... A bunch of wounds. Maybe I should've used my aura the entire time.

No matter, all I really need right now is a nice shower and the warmth of my sleeping bag. And to do that I should probably knock in the door...


Weiss: Ugh, coming!

Weiss seems to be as aggravated as ever...

Weiss: Yang, you finally realized you forgot- Oh its just you Y/N.

Y/N: Hi?

Weiss: Ugh, whatever- Oh my Oum! Y/N are you okay?!

Y/N: I'm fine-

Weiss: Argh! First you go missing for the entire day, then Ruby goes batshi- I mean horribly insane, then Yang leaves only to forget her darn wallet, then Blake falls asleep which makes me feel awkward and then you finally show up all battered and bruised!

Y/N: Uhhh... Sorry?

Weiss: It's fine... Did I sound like-

Y/N: Ruby? Yeah.

Weiss: Ugh... Anyways, you should head into the showers, hygiene is of utmost importance.

Y/N: Yeah, I could use some sleep right now too.

Weiss: Not until I treat your wounds. You wouldn't want your sleeping bag getting all bloody now would you?

Weiss is being nice? Hey that's a new rhyme- But has Remnant finally frozen over? That's a cool pun- Hey that's another one- Anyways, I wonder why Weiss is acting polite, though I guess she does make a pretty good point. Also a real life princess patching me up? That's different from the fantasy stories I've read. I probably shouldn't say anything about this or I might be in for another lecture.

Y/N: Thank you Weiss. Just make sure not to touch my ears.

Weiss: Good, now get to showering.

Y/N: Yes ma'am.

Weiss: *sigh* Ugh... Don't injure yourself.

Y/N: I won't.

Heading into the shower was, so soothing... The coolness of the water just washing away the long day I had I was simply amazing. Hygiene is awesome, you should definitely keep it in check.

After doing all the other bathroom stuff, I put my ear clips away and head out.

Weiss: "Folded" clothes go over there.

Y/N: Got it.

I see a pile of dirty clothes, messily laid out in the corner of the room. Eh, they should know how to fold their clothes. I plop myself down near Weiss, who brought out a first aid kit.

Weiss: How did you even get this badly injured anyway? Did you get in trouble with Ozpin?

Y/N: Ozpin's making me train under a professional huntsman. There's a lot of other things, but that's the main one. That's why I came back so late.

Weiss: I see. Though, Pyrrha ended up showing up a few hours ago, albeit with much lesses bruises and wounds. She's also said something about handling that weird blonde guy.

Y/N: Eh, for real? That's nice of her (how does she even know?)... But it must be nice not getting beaten up the entire day.

Weiss: Must've been rough huh? Not that I feel bad or anything. The lectures are awful in their own right...

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