Chapter 7-The Dance of Death

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Ciel was invited to another ball hosted by Lord Trancy as an apology for his rude actions at the last one. Meanwhile before the invitation, Ciel and Sebastian left the manor for a quest, a quest to hunt down the "ones responsible" for his family's murder killing a few innocents who were blamed for being accomplices. 

What was Sebastian doing? letting the earl brat kill off those who weren't even involved with the fire three years ago, it was Ashe the angel who is petrified on the Tower Bridge in London. It was all Claude's fault for messing up Sebastian's consumption of Ciel's soul, by now we would be at home in the demon world. And the rose that now rested on Sebastian's uniform, the dark purple one with the purple stem i smelled demon's blood and not just Sebastian's it smelled of Claude as well.

"Sister?" i lifted my head from my book eyes glowing which made my brother stop in his tracks, he knew not to disturb me while i was engaged in a book "what is it? what is so important that you need to interrupt? is the mansion burning down for the third time?" i had to grin at that last question it was small but my eyes still flickered with annoyance

"no it is not and i was wondering if you would accompany me and my young master to the Trancy Estate for another ball" I sighed "whatever you and that horrible spider are planning, leave me out of this! I am not the one standing beside a murdering master who killed innocent humans for the sake of a stupid pact you and Claude made and another thing!" i held up my left hand the ruby ring glittering in the candlelight "this is a curse  being engaged to a spider. you can't atone for the loss of human lives for the sake of a false revenge you weren't even there when he put this on me placing a evil trap on me" 

My ranting was stopped when Sebastian held me with a hand to my mouth "My apologies, sister im terribly sorry for everything but i promise this, soon Claude will be dead, you will be free, and after this is all over and i have consumed my young master's soul, we will return home" i relaxed and he took his hand away from my mouth "im holding you to that promise my brother you don't want to see what ill do if you break it" i started to walk away "and Alois, i now realize he isn't a bad child, whatever you and Claude are planning i feel sorry for the boy ill join you to the Trancy Manor, for Alois's sake if not for anyone else's Ciel has lost my respect" i left the library eyes closed.

We arrived in due time to the Trancy Manor "good afternoon Lord Trancy" Ciel greeted, The triplets, Hannah, Alois and Claude all greeted us at the front door "Ciel! it is a pleasure to see you again" Alois laughed and waved "come with me, we have a special party in your honor in the backyard" Alois walked behind by Claude led the way, i peeked down at the boy he caught my gaze and smiled.

We were led to a dueling arena that looked like a chessboard with giant stone statues looking down at the board like they were playing "i have an idea Ciel, lets have our butlers do the work for us they can dance in our place" Alois suggested great minds think alike i suppose.

I was gasping in fright i hid behind a tree, if Sebastian gets hurt, i will be suffering pain like nothing imagined before. Now the Law of Demon Siblings also stated that if the Feeler which was what i was called not very original i know but if i had a little sister or brother then it would be like a lightning rod stopping the bolt and sending it to the ground therefore i wouldn't feel anything as well but considering my mother passed on before she had another child it was like the same lightning rod hanging in the air with no way the electricity would be smothered out.

"S-S-Sebastian" i shuddered out, my brother heard me and came over to the tree "what is it?" i looked at him terror glistening in my eyes which gave him my concern "i know, ill try to avoid getting hurt in the process but i cannot guarantee you would be alright" i let out a shaky breath "i'll make it up to you after my sister"

I was sitting beside Ciel now wishing Sebastian wasn't my brother, i would be ok now even though he was a good brother to me. The triplets and Hannah all drew sharp weapons while Sebastian had his butter knives but before the battle could start, Lord Druitt appeared wearing a blue lobster hat.

That was unexpected but it distracted the battle for a little bit which earned a sigh of relief to me. Druitt mixed up the dates of the ball but insisted that he witness the dance of death for himself, no one objected.

Sebastian dodged the Triplet's attacks and sliced their weapons in half. According to Claude that was a bloody washtub attack but he ordered the triplets to transition from the Bloody Washtub to Cursed Vanity Mirror which consisted of the triplets holding a small spear. So far so good, Sebastian wasn't hurt yet. The three spears combined into one huge spear but by the end of their battle, the triplets were impaled with it, the spear going through each of their heads.

I had to look away it was awful, i knew my brother was ruthless and cruel in his days but this was heartless of course it was a common thing in the Demon World. Next it was Hannah's turn to attack with her twin daggers slicing Sebastian's tailcoat. She took out a couple of guns and begun shooting at Sebastian who was neatly dodging while mending his tailcoat on the spot "not a very good time brother!" i yelled at him, Sebastian just smiled wider

Hannah got out the bigger gun which of course was a machine gun and begun shooting at my brother who hid behind a chess statue. Sebastian then pinned her to the ground with his knives, he was about to finish Hannah off when a chess piece statue stopped his attack and almost crushed him. It was Claude who kicked the statue in Sebastian's way "that will do for the time being it is now time for tea" "ah yes of course is it that time already?" the match was suspended

Two kitchens were put together outside, while Claude was beating eggs. The sight of the Triplets still walking around with the spear through their heads would make a sane human mad but it made me laugh a little. You can't keep a good demon down i suppose, Claude was distracted by Ciel i knew he was thinking about Ciel's soul which earned him a beaten egg in the side of the head by Sebastian who was obviously knowing what Claude was thinking.

Claude childishly threw egg back at Sebastian "you guys! act like mature gentlemen would you?" i scowled at the adolescent food fighting both of them were putting on both of their tossed food ended up as figures. After tea was finished and sun went down, Sebastian and Claude both fought.

I watched on and gasped in shock as Claude put his arm down Hannah's throat pulling out the Legendary sword Laevateinn in all its glory. I worried for my brother as i worried for myself that sword can kill any demon and was stronger then metal the proof it sliced Sebastian's knives in half.  Ciel and Alois left the dueling grounds while Sebastian's cheek got sliced by a confusing web of thin wires that can cut skin, i held my cheek were i felt the dull sting.

I followed the boys watching from the second level of the library "be careful" i whispered i feared for Ciel but i feared for Alois more. I kept feeling like i was being cut while Alois and Ciel were having a duel of their own. I went to stand beside Druitt behind the door watching it wasn't safe on the second level anymore. Alois pushed Ciel down to the first level and pinned him, before he could kill Ciel, his blow was stopped by Ciel who grabbed the blade. Blood flowed down from his palm down the sword. That's when Claude and Sebastian barged in "Master!" The sword pierced Alois's side and he just started gasping.

Alois fell on his side "Claude help me! I'm dying!" Claude was about to go and help his master "Stay back! until i have killed him i order you to stay back!" Ciel shouted angrily "yes my master" Claude's eyes looked shocked "Ciel don't do it" i whispered "please Ciel spare me" Alois begged "your truly pathetic Alois, you killed my parents! i will not show you any mercy" Ciel told him cruelly which made the dying boy gasp in shock "what? i never touched your parents can't you see your being lied to by demons" I looked away "demons?" Ciel asked dumbly "my parents were killed too you know my family was burned as well as the village" Alois told him while he was trying to stand up "someone stole my family from me as well" Alois sobbed "we are the same you and i" Ciel shoved him off and was about to make the killing blow "Ciel please, don't kill him this isn't the revenge you were supposed to have it was already done" i whispered again.

Ciel was stopped by Claude who was slapped with bloody fingers which made him stop and stand in shock and amazement after Claude licked some off his cheek. Sebastian grabbed Ciel and held him looking at Claude who was still in ecstasy. We left, Sebastian danced away with a struggling Ciel. I happened to look at Claude who looked back at me smiling evilly "you'll never have me Claude" i whispered before running right behind my brother practically on his heels.

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