𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐

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A Dothraki wild wedding celebration of Khal Drogo and Daenerys. Fighting and fornication. Daenerys looks stricken at everything around her. She keeps Rhaenyra beside her. Shielding her from the Dothraki.

"When do I meet with the Khal? We need to begin planning the invasion." Viserys spoke.
"If Khal Drogo has promised you a crown, you shall have it." Illyrio promised.
"When?" Viserys asked agitated.
"When their omens favor war." Illyrio informed.
"I piss on Dothraki omens. I waited 17 years to get my throne back." Viserys said.

The sex and violence intensify. Two men fight to the death over a woman each is trying to rape. Khal Drogo watches avidly.
"A Dothraki wedding without at least three deaths is considered a dull affair." Illyrio explained.

A knight in Westerosi garb appears. Khal Drogo greets him in Dothraki. It is Jorah Mormont, bearing books.
"A small gift for the new Khaleesi. Songs and histories from the Seven Kingdoms. And a few for her sister."
"Thank you, ser. Are you from my country?" Daenerys asked.
"Ser Jorah Mormont of Bear Island. I served your father for many years." Jorah smiled. "Gods be good, I hope to always serve the rightful king." Jorah bowed and smiled to Rhaenyra as he walked away.

Dany is presented with a chest with three dragon eggs in it.
"Dragons' eggs, Daenerys. From the Shadow Lands beyond Asshai. The ages have turned them to stone, but they will always be beautiful." Illyrio informed. Daenerys smiled
"Thank you, Magister." Daenerys handed the green one to Rhaenyra. Rhaenyra held it, staring into the beautiful green shell. Daenerys held the black one with grace. She placed it down. Rhaenyra followed.
"Their beautiful Dani." Rhae whispered. Dani smiled.

Khal Drogo rises and strides forward. Daenerys follows him, looking sick with fear. The Dothraki crowd behind her as she goes. The Khal leads her to a white mare.
"She's beautiful. ... Ser Jorah, I don't know how to say 'thank you' in Dothraki." Daenerys turned to Jorah.
"There is no word for 'thank you' in Dothraki." Jorah informed.
The Khal puts Dany on her horse and mounts his. Viserys walked up with Rhaenyra.
"Make him happy." Viserys said.

At the seaside at sunset. The Khal begins to unwrap Dany dress. She is sobbing. He touches the tears on her face.

Rhaenyra looks out to the ocean.
"Anna shimmers rahsan ven yeri noreth."(It shimmers like your hair.) A man spoke in Dothraki about the ocean. Rhaenyra turned. Cohollo one of the Khal's riders stood in front of her. She couldn't understand the man. As he spoke. She shook her head.
"I don't understand." She said quietly. Cohollo looked out at the sea. Rhaenyra followed him. "My home is across there." She pointed to the sea. Cohollo looked at her. She turned her head to him, nervously.
"Home is Vas Dothrak." Cohollo said.

Daenerys on horseback looking at Drogo and his people. Rhaenyra rides next to her sister.
"You need to drink, child... And eat." Jorah rode up to Dani. He handed her food.
"Isn't there anything else?" Daenerys asked.
"The Dothraki have two things in abundance, grass and horses. People can't live on grass... In the Shadow Lands beyond Asshai, they say there are fields of ghost grass with stalks as pale as milk that glow in the night. It murders all other grass. The Dothraki believe that one day it will cover everything. That's the way the world will end..." Jorah told them. "It'll get easier." Jorah promised.

Arriving at camp, Daenerys looks exhausted from riding.
"Khaleesi!" Doreah rushed to Dani. "Your hands." Irri said. Daenerys is escorted away. Jorah takes Rhaenyra off the horse.
"Sir Jorah?" She said. He nodded for her to continue. "Can you teach me Dothraki?" She asked.
"In due time...Khalakki." (Princess.) Jorah smiled. Khalakki she repeated to herself as Jorah placed her on the ground. A servant girl took the young princess to her tent. Jorah and Viserys are alone.

"We're still not far from Pentos, your Grace." Jorah spoke up. "Magister Illyrio has extended his hospitality. You'd be more comfortable there. So would Rhaenyra." The two walk.
"I have no interest in hospitality or comfort. I'll stay with Drogo until he fulfils his end of the bargain and I have my crown." Viserys said. "Rhaenyra will survive the trip. She need to know the battle for our birth right." Viserys explained.
"As you wish, your Grace." Jorah said.
"Well, Mormont, as brutish as this life is, I suppose it is preferable to beheading. What did Ned Stark want you for? Buying from a slaver?" Viserys asked.
"Selling to one... Some poachers I caught on my land." Jorah answered.
"Under my reign, you won't be punished for such nonsense. You can rest assured of that." Viserys smiled.

"Have you ever seen a dragon?" Dani asked.
"Dragon gone, Khaleesi." Irri said in broken common tongue.
"Everywhere? Even in the east?" Daenerys asked.
"No dragon. Brave men kill them. It is known." Irri wrapped Dani's hand.
"It is known."Jhiqui said as she wrapped Dani's other hand.
"A trader from Garth told me that dragons come from the moon." Doreah spoke up.
"The moon?" Dani asked.
"He told me the moon was an egg, Khaleesi, that once there were two moons in the sky." Doreah said. Dani was very interested in the story. "But one wandered too close to the sun and it cracked from the heat. Out of it poured a thousand thousand dragons and they drank the sun's fire."Doreah finished.
"Moon is no egg. Moon is goddess... wife of sun. It is known." Irri argued.
"It is known." Jhiqui said. Dani smiled. She looked at the eggs.

Jorah looked into Rhaenyra's tent. She was reading the book he gave her and her sister. He smiled.
"Princess?" He called. She looked up.
"Ser Jorah." She smiled. "This story of dancing dragons was it real?" She asked. Jorah sat next to her.
"It was." He answered. "I used to fight for you father." Rhaenyra looked up at him. "He loved to tell the tales of Queen Rhaenyra. How she had the biggest dragons to fly over the castles of Westeros." Rhae smiled. She looked back at her book.
"It says she was beautiful, like Dani." Rhae smiled.
"That she was, but you were named after her." Jorah said. Rhaenyra looked at him. "Rhaenyra Blood born Targaryen. Second of her name. Princess of Westeros." Jorah said her name. "Tomorrow you learn basic Dothraki. Just to get by with the people." He smiled.
"Davra night, Ser Jorah."( Good night, Ser Jorah.) Rhae spoke in broken Dothraki. Jorah looked at her shocked. "Edavri taught me to good night." She explained.
"Davra night, Khalakki." (Good night, princess.) Jorah smiled as he left the tent.

𝐀 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐈𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞Where stories live. Discover now