𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖

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The Dothraki are on the move. Drogo leads them, but seems to have fainted. Daenerys rides right behind him.
"My lord... My sun and stars..." Daenerys said in Dothraki. "Drogo." She called.
Drogo falls off his horse. Daenerys descends her horse. So does Cohollo.
"My horse..." Drogo muttered.
"Qoy ki tih qoy..."(Blood of my blood..) Cohollo said. Rhaenyra kneels next to Cohollo, holding onto his shoulders.
"Vo anha eth dothrakh."(no I must ride.) Drogo mutters.
"Anna fell ha mae hrazef. A Khal fin cannot dothrakh is vo khal."( he fell from his horse. A king who cannot ride is no king.) Qotho said.
"Anna's haqe, ki's ei. Anna needs to mithri. Kisha've ridden hezhah lekhaan asshekh. Kisha'll camp gwe."
(He's tired, that's all. He needs to rest. We've ridden far enough today. We'll camp here.) Daenerys ordered. 

As Daenerys and Qotho argue. Cohollo and Rhaenyra lift Drogo up. Taking him to a safer spot.
Cohollo looked down at his king.
"Ki maegi! Athtihar fini anna has done. Tih khal anha laz vo save yeri jinak kashi. Anha am truly sorry."
(That witch! Look what she has done. My king I could not save you this time. I am truly sorry.) Cohollo knelt next to Drogo. Rhaenyra rubbed his back. Cohollo gripped her hand and looked at her with anger. Rhaenyra look at him with fear. Cohollo's face fell. "Tih athfiezar, anha'm sorry. Anha don't know fini's happening."(My love, I'm sorry. I don't know what's happening.) he said.
"Anna's alright. Yeri grieving. If yeri need anna to step away anha will. Disse know anha'm gwe."(It's alright. Your grieving. If you need me to step away I will. Just know I'm here.) Rhaenyra held her hand to his cheek.
"Anha don't want yeri to gwe."( I don't want you to go.) He held her hands.
"kash anha won't"( then I won't) Rhaenyra kissed his cheek.

Later the next day Rhaenyra stood with the people. She saw Jorah step out of the Khal's tent.
"Jorah." Rhaenyra rushed to the man.
"My sister..." Jorah held her shoulders.
"She is fine princess. But I wish to take you to the bay. Take both of you away from here." Jorah said. Rhaenyra's heart swelled with joy.
"Home? We go home?" She asked. Jorah frowned.
"Not quite princess." Jorah said. "You and your sister could live comfortably in Pentos again. Or Dorne if possible." Jorah explains.
"What did my sister say?" Rhaenyra asked. Jorah sighed.
"She wants to stay." Jorah answered. But once the Khal is dead, you both are in danger." Jorah said. Rhaenyra nods.
"Cohollo told me. Once Drogo is gone he must find a new Khal to serve." She paused. "I don't want to leave him, but he insisted I do." She let a tear fall.  Rhaenyra looked up and her face fell.

Daenerys leaves the tent as the horse collapses to the ground, dead. Jorah, and Rhaenyra go to her.
"What have you done?" Rhaenyra asked.
"I have to save him." Daenerys said.
"We could have been 10 miles away from here by now, on the way to Asshai. You would have been safe." Jorah argued.
"𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐛𝐞." Qotho spoke up in Dothraki.
"This must be." Daenerys barked.
"Witch." Qotho pointed at Daenerys.
"Nothing good will come of this."
Rakharo tries to talk to Qotho, but gets sucker punched in the face.
"No, you can't." Daenerys yelled.
Qotho unsheaths his dagger and moves past Daenerys, pushing her towards the ground. Daenerys hits the ground with her belly.
"Sister!" Rhaenyra falls to her knees next to Daenerys, helping her up.
"No further, horselord." Jorah spoke.
Daenerys starts moaning in pain, while Mirri Maz Duur's incantations in the background are heard. Qotho turns around and lunges towards Jorah. The two fight, but Jorah gains the upper hand and kills him with a sword blow to the face. Jorah rushes to the sisters.
"Are you hurt?" Jorah asked.
"The baby.." Daenerys was out of breath and in pain. "... is coming." Daenerys cried.
"Fetch the midwives." Rhaenyra yelled.
"They will not come. They say she is cursed." Rakharo explained. Rhaenyra stood.
"They'll come or l'll have their heads." Rhaenyra growled.
"The witch - she can bring baby. l hear her say so." Rakharo informed. Rhae turned to Jorah, shaking her head. He looked at her then the tent.
Jorah moves inside the tent with Daenerys in his arms, as screams and incantations from the inside start getting louder and louder in tone. Rhaenyra watched.

That night the khal was dying. The horse riders were leaving. Rhaenyra watch the men and women leave. Cohollo walked up to her with his horse. Tears in her eyes, she shook her head no.
"Please.... Don't leave anna."(please...don't leave me.) Rhaenyra cried. Cohollo kissed her.
"Anha eth. The khal is done...kisha hash vo khal."(I have to. The khal is done...we have no khal.) Cohollo said.
Rhaenyra cried, watching the people leave. Cohollo lifted her chin.
"Athtihar at anna. Kisha will see each eshna she the shadow lands."(Look at me. We will see each other in the shadow lands.) Cohollo wiped her tears, holding her face. She shook her head upset. Looking everywhere but at him. As she started to speak she looked at him.
"Anha don't want to meet save. Anha don't want to be niyanqoy disse she the shadow lands."(I don't want to meet again. I don't want to be together only in the shadow lands.) Cohollo smiled.
"I love you." Cohollo said. Rhaenyra cried. "From today, to my last."
"Anha athfiezar yeri. Ha asshekh, to tih ha nakhaan."(I love you. From today, to my last.)  Rhaenyra kissed him before mounted his horse.
"Blood of my blood." They whispered together. Rhaenyra backed away. Cohollo rode off with the rest of the people.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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