𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓

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In a very large hut is a celebration. A pig roasts over a center fire as there are drums being played and people dancing everywhere. Daenerys giggle as she watched her sister dance. The Dothraki girls taught Rhaenyra a traditional dance. Cohollo clapped as Rhaenyra danced.

Viserys stumbles in, clearly drunk.
"Daenerys! Where's my sister?" Viserys questioned.
Daenerys and Jorah both look up, noticing her brother on the opposite side of the hut. Drogo and Cohollo, on another side of the hut also see Viserys. Jorah stands up and begins walking towards Viserys.
"Stop him." Dani commands.
"Where is she? I'm here for the feast. The whore's feast." Viserys said loudly.
"Come." Jorah put his hand on Viserys shoulder.
"Get your hands off me! No one touches the dragon!" Viserys yelled.
Cohollo, sitting next to Drogo, says something in Dothraki that makes the Khal laugh. Viserys hears this and spins around.
"Khal Drogo! I'm here for the feast." Viserys gave a false smile. Drogo looked up.
"Rekke is a sho save rekke ha the beggar khal." Drogo pointed to the back of the tent on the other side.
"Khal Drogo says there is a place for you. Back there." Jorah said.
"That is no place for a king." Viserys argued.
"You are no king." Drogo exchanged.
Viserys draws his sword, Jorah moves forward, Viserys holds his sword at Jorah.
"Keep away from me!" Viserys yelled.
The drums stop and now everyone in the hut is paying attention. Cohollo stands.
"Viserys, please." Daenerys stood in front of Rhaenyra.
"Put the sword down. They'll kill us all." Jorah said.
"They can't kill us. They can't shed blood in their sacred city." Viserys moves his sword over everyone in the room, stopping on Daenerys' stomach. "But I can. I want what I came for. I want the crown he promised me. He bought you. But he never paid for you." Viserys growled.
The Khal is fiercely looking at the situation as Viserys has his blade to Daenerys' stomach. A woman is translating for Drogo as Viserys speaks.
" Tell him I want what was bargained for or I'm taking you back. He can keep the baby. I'll cut it out and leave it for him." Viserys lightly pushed the sword to his sister. Drogo speaks something in Dothraki.
"What's he saying?" Viserys asked.
"He says yes. You shall have a golden crown, that men shall tremble to behold." Daenerys said. Viserys relaxed and smiled.
"That was all I wanted. W-what was promised."Viserys takes his blade away from Daenerys' stomach and steps back, smiling. Drogo stands up and walks to his wife, mwplacing his hand on her belly as they exchange looks.
"Tih jalan, are yeri alright?"(My moon, are you alright?) He asked.
"Ai."(Yes.) Dani answered. Drogo looked at Rhaenyra, who seem scared.
"Khalakki?"( Princess?) Drogo held Rhaenyra's cheek. Rhaenyra nodded. She looked over to Cohollo who was concerned.
"Hold mae."(Hold him.) Drogo said. Then two men instantly come up behind Viserys, each holding one of his arms. One man breaks Viserys' right arm as he screams.
"No! You cannot touch me! I am the dragon! I am the dragon! I want my crown! Ahh!" Viserys tried to get out of the Dothraki grasp. The two men force Viserys to the ground, still holding him by his arms. The Khal moves towards them and mutters something in Dothraki. A woman tips over a kettle that was over the fire, pouring out it's contents. Drogo throws some golden jewelry into the kettle.
"Look away Khaleesi." Jorah said.
"No." Daenerys simply said. Rhaenyra and Daenerys watch their brother's fate.
"No. Dany! Dany, tell them, make them! You can't!" Viserys cried.

The golden jewelry is now melted down into liquid. Khal Drogo lifts the kettle up and walks over towards the screaming Viserys.
"Dany please!" Viserys cried. Drogo walked over with the pot of molten gold. Cohollo stood in front of Rhaenyra.
"A crown for a king." Khal Drogo raises the kettle over Viserys' head and pours out the melted gold onto his skull. He screams as the hot liquid solidifies on his skull, the two men release Viserys, he instantly falls to the ground dead.
"Khaleesi..." Jorah whispers.
"He was no dragon. Fire cannot kill a dragon." Daenerys said calmly.

That night Rhaenyra cried. Daenerys tried to calm her.
"We have no way home. Dani, I want to go home." Rhae cried.
"This is our home for now. We will be home." Daenerys said. Rhaenyra shook her head and looked Daenerys in the eyes.
"We are women Dani. We can't go home."
"We will. You'll see." Dani promised. Rhaenyra got up shaking her head. She left the tent in a rush. Rhaenyra rushed into Cohollo chest.
"Grass Lily?" He asked concerned. She looked up at him. "Yeri cry? Kirekhdirgi?" (You cry? Why?) He asked. Cohollo wiped her tears.she laid her head on his chest, tracing the blue pattern painted on him.
"I want to go home." She cried.
"kisha are home. Vas Dothrak is home." (We are home. Vas Dothrak is home.)Cohollo said. Rhaenyra shook her head.

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