𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒

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Daenerys is holding one of her prized dragon eggs. Rhaenyra caressed the Green egg. Dani looks up at a pot of coals inside of her tent. She walks over and places the egg into the coals. Irri walks into the tent.
"Khaleesi?" Irri called for Dani. Daenerys picks up the egg from the coals. "Oh, Khaleesi!" Irri yelled.
Irri takes the egg from her hands, dropping it instantly because of the heat. She looks at Daenerys' hands and there are no burn marks. She looked. The two compare hands, Irri's have burn marks.
"You're hurt." Dani said. Rhaenyra rushed over with a bowl of water and towel.
"Irri. Please let anna see yeri hands." (Irri. please let me see your hands.) Rhaenyra kneeled next to Irri. Irri show her hand to the princess. Rhae wrapped them with the cloth.
"Yeri hash come hezhah speaking Dathraki." (You have come far speaking Dathraki.) Irri spoke.
"I try." Rhaenyra smiled.

After awhile the women prepared Daenerys for the feast for her unborn child. Rhaenyra brushed her sister's hair.
"You look so beautiful." Rhaenyra said. Daenerys smiled.
"I'm so nervous." Dani admitted.
"You will do wonderful." Rhae braided Dani's hair. Dani looked at Rhaenyra. Dani looked into Rhae's icy grey eyes. Rhae didn't have violet eyes like her sister or brother.
"I love you, sister." Dani smiled.
"I love you more." Rhae spoke.

Daenerys is centered around everyone and eating the heart of a horse a the Dothraki and a priest chant around her. Her husband Khal Drogo looks on in anticipation as she continues eating.
"She has to eat a whole heart? I hope that wasn't my horse." Viserys spoke up.
"She's doing well." Jorah said. He smiled at Rhaenyra.
"She'll never keep it down." Viserys commented. The two look at the male Targaryen.
"She's a dragon.

She keeps eating the heart, nearing the end. The Dothraki onlookers all chant in unison, getting louder and louder. The priestess is also chanting, louder and louder. Khal Drogo stares more intently at his wife, she stares back. The chanting grows louder, as does the priestess.

"Tell me what she is saying." Viserys commanded.
"The prince is riding. I have heard the thunder of the hooves. Swift as the wind he rides. His enemies will cower before him... and their wives will weep tears of blood." Jorah said.

The eating and chantines intensifies as Viserys looks on in shock.Rhaenyra smiled up at her sister.
"She's going to have a boy." Jorah interrupted for Viserys.
"He won't be a real Targaryen. He won't be a true dragon." Viserys sneered.

As the chanting is at it's loudest, Daenerys has finished with the heart. Everyone looks on in anticipations, she wretches forward, on the verge of puking. The chanting suddenly halts. Khal Drogo leans in and looks intensly. Daenerys holds everything in and sobs. Her hands bloody, she slowly sits up, keeping everything in as she gulps the final bite. The priestess begins to speak, Jorah translates directly for Viserys and some for Rhaenyra.
""The stallion who mounts the world." The stallion, is the khal of khals. He shall unite the people into a single khalasar. All the people of the world will be his herd." Jorah explained.

Daenerys rises to her feet, speaking in Dothraki to the room.
"A prince rides inside me! And he shall be called Rhaego!" She yelled.
The room begins chanting, "Rhaego! Rhaego!" As the chanting grows louder and louder, Drogo stands up and walks up to Daenerys.
"They love her." Viserys said with disgust.
The room's chanting gets even louder. Drogo hugs his wife at her thighs and hoists her up, carrying her around the room.
"She truly is a queen today." Jorah said. Jorah looks to his right towards Viserys, who has now slipped out. Jorah watched as the princess danced with the Dothraki. He saw the way she smiled at one Dothraki rider.
"Yeri dance ven a true lekh dothraki ajjin!"(You dance like a true Dothraki now!) Cohollo cheered to Rhaenyra. Jorah watched how to young girl laughed.

Jorah sneaked out to Daenerys tent he finds Viserys opening the container that holds her dragon eggs. He sighs and then puts them into a sack. Jorah walks into the tent behind him, blocking the door.
" Don't let them see you carrying a sword in Vaes Dothrak. You know the law." Jorah said with no emotion.
"It's not my law." Viserys argued.
"They don't belong to you." Jorah said simply.
"Whatever is hers is also mine." Viserys stated it like a fact.
"Once, perhaps." Jorah said.
"If I sell one egg, I'll have enough to buy a ship. Two eggs - a ship and an army." Viserys informed.
"And you have all three." Jorah looked at the bag.
"I need a large army... I'm the last hope of a dynasty, Mormont. The greatest dynasty this world has ever seen, on my shoulders since I was five years old and no one has ever given me what they gave to her in that tent. Never. Not a piece of it... How can I carry what I need to carry without it? Hmm? Who can rule without wealth, or fear, or love? Oh, you stand there, all nobility and honor. You don't think I see you looking at my little sister, hmm? Don't think I know what you want? I don't care. You can have her. She can help Dani with those savages and dine on the finest bloody horseparts, and you can dine on whichever parts of her you like. But let me go." Viserys roars.
"You can go, but you can't have the eggs." Jorah informed.
"You swore an oath to me. Does loyalty mean nothing to you?" Viserys asked.
"It means everything to me." Jorah stepped forward.
"And yet here you stand?" Viserys bit back.
"And here I stand." Jorah growled as he stood tall. Viserys could see the Mormont Bear rise inside Jorah.

Viserys and Jorah stare at each other for a moment, before Viserys drops the sack containing the dragon eggs to the floor. Jorah steps aside, unblocking the exit. Viserys leaves.

Rhaenyra walked out of one of the tents. She looked for Ser Jorah. He was no where to be found.
"Princess?" Jorah called. She turned.
"Ser Jorah." She smiled, walking up to him. "Is my brother alright? I can't find him." She asked. Jorah nodded.
"He is fine, Princess. Planning he future for the throne." He lied. Rhaenyra smiled.
"Well I must get to Daenerys." Rhaenyra and Jorah went their separate ways till supper.

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