#27 You's spend the day together

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Damon: You and Damon cuddled in bed not saying anything just listening to the rain hitting the roof. "Have you ever wondered if unicorns exist?" You blurted out breaking the silence. "What!" Damon looked over at you laughing. "Don't laugh It's a serious question Damon!" You turned your head in his direction. "What made you think of that" he asked trying his hardest not to laugh. "I was just thinking if vampires, werewolves and witches exist what other "fictional" creatures do?" You explain putting air quotations around the word fictional. "That would be so cool to have a pet unicorn!" You add. "Your a weirdo" he smiled But doesn't say anything else for a few minutes then bursts out into a fit of laughter. "What's so funny?" You ask turning your head back in his direction. " I was just imagining if you had a pet unicorn when we go to fight klaus you flying in on the unicorn! Just picture his face!" He said laughing so hard he almost fell off the bed. "Ya and I'm the weirdo" you giggle while cuddling up next to him. You spend the rest of the day cuddling in bed and talking about random things.

Stefan: You and Stefan decided to just skip school to lay in bed and watch movies all day. "What movie do you wanna watch next" Stefan asks while walking over to the stack of movies on the floor. "How about insidious 2? I haven't seen that one yet" Stefan nodded and put in the DVD. He slid back into bed and you curled up into his side. "I'm glad we did this" you giggled as he laced his arm around you. "Me to" he smiled and placed a kiss on your head as the move began to play.

Kol: Walking back into his room you placed two mugs of coffee on his nightstand before sliding back under the warm bed covers. "What time is it?" You asked, kol turned his head to look in the direction of the clock. "One in the afternoon" he said while wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer to him. "We've been laying in bed for five hours! Should we get up soon?" You ask while laying your head on his chest. He just shook his head and started to play with your hair. "So you don't wanna do anything but lay in bed all day?" He shook his head again. "Your not even gonna tell your siblings your back?" You ask while looking up at him. "Pretty much, I just got back from Denver and all I wanna do is lay in bed with my beautiful girlfriend all day" he leaned down and kissed your forehead. You lay back down and nuzzle your head into the crook of his neck. "I missed you" you whisper "I missed you to darling" he smiled and cuddled up closer to you.

Klaus: since Klaus is always busy you convinced him to take a day off of terrorizing the people in mystic falls and spend the day with you. You's decided on building a fort out of blankets in the middle of his living room and having a drawing contest. "So what is it that we have to draw?" You ask him while sharpening your pencil. "You choose love" she smiles at you. "Who ever draws the best portrait of..." You pause for a second to think. "Elijah first wins" "what do I get If I win?" He smirks. "The winner gets to pick one person on the other ones phone and gets to text them anything they want" "Deal!" He say while starting on his portrait. His head snaps up a few seconds later. "Wait if you win no saying anything cute like I love kittens or anything like that" he says with a serious look on his face. "Don't worry, I wouldn't do that" I try to reassure him. 15 minutes later you finished your portrait first which means that you won. "I won now hand over your phone nick" you say holding out your hand. He groans as he hands it over. Scrolling through his contacts you find the one your looking for and start typing away. When your done you hit send and start smiling at what you decided to write. "You didn't write anything cute did you?" He asks. "I would never do such a thing" you say handing his phone back to him. He nods while putting his phone In his lap. "I simply told Damon you have a huge man crush on him" you shrugged while taking a sip of your drink but spit it out when you looked up to see the horrified look on klaus's face.

Sorry they sucked :( Couldn't think of one for Elijah...if you have any ideas or any preferences you'd like me to do pls tell me! I'm running out of ideas! Thanks for reading! :)

The vampire diaries/ Originals/ teen wolf preferences and imagines (imagine requests closed) PART 1Where stories live. Discover now