Stefan imagine for BUBBLEZxxoxo

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I'm sorry it's so short and really suck! But I hope you like it :)

You and Stefan were cuddling on the couch watching a movie when you heard Damon walk in the boarding house, slamming the door behind him. "Here we go"Stefan sighed while sitting up. Damon walked into the room you and Stefan were in with a bottle of bourbon in his hand. "Oh great, your here" He scoffed looking at you. "I thought we agreed you weren't going to drink" Stefan said to him. "Don't start Stefan" Damon rolled his eyes. He walked over to the t.v. Turning off your movie before sitting on the chair facing you and Stefan. "I was watching that!" You whined swinging your feet off Stefan's lap and sitting up. Damon snapped his head in your direction. "Well that's to bad, this is my house and I don't wanna watch that. So if you don't like it there's the door!" He yelled at you. "Damon enough!" Stefan warned, but Damon being Damon wouldn't stop there. "Why should I stop! She's so annoying, just because your dating her doesn't mean I should have to put up with her!" He yelled at Stefan. "What you think I like having to put up with you? Because trust me I don't!" You retort back. "Shut up Lesha or I swear I'll snap your neck! And unlike me you won't wake up" Damon smiles. Now this pissed Stefan off big time. He vamped out grabbing Damon, pinning him up against the wall. "Touch her and I'll make sure YOU won't wake up!" He screamed, his hand around Damon's neck getting tighter. "I'll do what I want" Damon spit through his teeth. This pushed Stefan over the edge, be snapped Damon's neck letting his limp body drop to the ground. Stefan walks over to you embracing you into a hug. "Thanks for protecting me" you thank him. "I'll always protect you" he said pulling away. "I love you Lesha" he said looking you in the eyes. "I love you to Stefan" you said giving him a kiss.

The vampire diaries/ Originals/ teen wolf preferences and imagines (imagine requests closed) PART 1Where stories live. Discover now