Kol imagine

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For Insanity69

I'm so so sorry this is so late! And that it really sucks, I've been going through a hard Time and haven't been in the mood to write anything. But I hope you like it :)

"Brianna, hurry up! I need you to come with me!" You heard klaus scream at you from the bottom of the stairs. You sighed and placed the book you were reading on your bed before walking down the stairs to see what his problem is. "What do you want now klaus?" You asked as you walked into the room, seeing him pacing back and forth. He whipped around starring you dead in the eyes, "I found out Mikael's at divines old cabin, we have to go there" he grabbed your arm and started dragging you to the car. "Do you even know where it is?" You asked annoyed that he always thinks he can drag you whenever he wants. "No, I thought I'd just drive around like a idiot and stop at every old cabin we come across" he said sarcastically. "Sounds like something you'd do" you muttered under your breath, but he obviously heard you. He didn't say anything, instead he gave you a death glare and pulled out of the drive way. "So how do you even know he's there?" You questioned as you turned on the radio. "I have my ways" he's replied with no emotion in his voice as he turned the radio off. "I was listening to that!" You yelled but he ignored your comment, you groaned and leaned against the car door, at that point you knew this was gonna be a long ride. Once arriving to the cabin it was dark out, the ride was about 3 hours of silence and you were glad to finally be there. The both of you walked up to the cabin window, but seen no one inside. "Are you sure they're here?" You looked at him as he was intently staring through the window beside you. "Yes I'm sure" he snapped, "really, because it doesn't look like it" you rolled your eyes in annoyance. He scoffed and walked off grabbing a wooden staff that was stuck into the ground. He walked forward a bit and threw the staff through the window. "Enough games Davina, send out my father!" He screamed. "Go wait in the car, and no matter what don't get out" he ordered you. You laughed "no way, you bring me all this way just to sit in the car when you tell me to? I don't think so klaus" "I said get in the car" he growled. You sighed knowing it was no use in arguing, moments after closing the car door Mikael walked out. They started to fight, and it took all you had not to go and help klaus. The next thing you know Mikael was on top of klaus and stabbed the white oak steak into his shoulder. He screamed in pain before jabbing papa trundles blade into Mikael's chest. You opened the car door and ran over to klaus as cami came running over. "Klaus you better not have hurt her" she yelled at him. "She's fine, she might have a bit of a head ache for a couple day, but considering what she was planning that's generous of me" he informed her as you made your way to the cabin door, klaus and cami right behind you. Cami opened the door to reveal a tall boy placing Davina onto a couch, cami ran over to her trying to wake her up. "Wow klaus, you did quite the number on her" you laughed as you seen the girl you hate with a passion laying unconscious on the couch. As soon as the words left your mouth the tall handsome boys head shot up in your direction. "Do you got a problem?" You sassed, realizing he was staring intently at you. He shook his head no, "do you?" He asked as he eyed you. You scoffed at his remark and turned to klaus, "give me the keys I'll go put Mikael in the car" you held out your hand as he gave you the keys. "Well well well, if it isn't the big bad wolf who blew the house down" you heard the boy say to klaus as you carried Mikael to the car. You couldn't help but laugh, it was pretty funny. You finally got Mikael into the car when cami came out "we're taking Davian to the hospital" she told you while getting in the passenger seat. "Can't we just leave her here?" "No we're not leaving her here" she argued. "Fine" you rolled your eyes and shut the trunk door. "I was wondering when you might make an appearance kol" you heard klaus say. At the sound of that name your heart started to race, and memories started flooding back. You ran back to the cabin and basically pushed klaus out of the way. "How could you! How could you not tell me your you!" You screamed at the boy standing in front of you. "I was gonna tell you Brianna,I just didn't know how and I thought you were dead" he tried to explain as he took a step towards you. "Of save it kol!" You yelled before storming off only to have him follow you. "Fine, the real reason I didn't tell you was because I thought you wouldn't love me anymore!" He yelled after you. You stopped walking and spun around to face him, "why wouldn't I love you anymore?" You questioned him. "Because I'm a witch now, I'm not in my own body. And I don't know I just thought it might change your feelings for me" you could hear the sadness in his voice as a couple tears escaped his eyes. You walked upto him and smashed your lips against his, he kissed you back immediate. You pulled away from him and smiled, "I will always love you kol, it doesn't matter what body your in. I'll always love you no matter what" "good, because I'll always love you" he replied before leaning in for another kiss.

The vampire diaries/ Originals/ teen wolf preferences and imagines (imagine requests closed) PART 1Where stories live. Discover now