Stiles imagine for GiuliaCampora

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You and stiles were sitting on his couch having a movie marathon. "So what do you wanna do now" stiles asks while turning off the last movie. "Umm... Maybe play truth or dare?" You suggested. "Sure why not" he flopped back on the couch next to you. "Truth or dare?" You asked him while turning your body to face him. "Dare" You sat there and thought for a minute before getting an idea. "I dare you to cluck like a chicken!" You said laughing. "Cluck like a chicken?" He said looking at you like you had two heads. "Ya you know like cluck cluck" you showed him what you mean. He smiled while getting up of the couch. "Cluck, cluck, cluck" he started moving around the room like he was a chicken. You clutched your stomach from laughing so hard. He laughed before sitting back on the couch. "Ok now it's your turn" "truth" you picked knowing he would give you a dare you would regret. "What was your first kiss like?" He asked. "Ummm" you said not wanting him to know you've never been kissed. He looked at you for a minute before cluing in. "Holly shit! You've never been kissed have you?" He said with a shocked look on his face. "Can we just drop this?" you asked staring at the ground feeling a bit embarrassed. "I can't believe Your 17 and you really haven't been kissed!?" He kept going. Your blood started to boil at how he wouldn't drop the subject. "There's no need to be an ass about it stiles!" You got up off the couch and stormed out the living room to get your stuff and leave. "Giulia, wait!" He yelled after you, grabbing you arm to make you turn to him. Before you could say anything his lips smashed with yours, moving perfectly in sync. "I wasn't meaning that that in a bad way Giulia. Your just so beautiful, i don't know how you've never had your first kiss. I love you" he looked at you lovingly. "I love you to stiles" you smiled before giving him another kiss. "And you want to know why I've never had my first kiss? Because I wanted it to be you" you smiled, wrapping your arms around him. He smiled back before connecting your lips again. He deepened the kiss as you wrapped your legs around his waist, he carried you to his room, laying you on his bed. He kissed down your neck all the way to your chest before finding his way back to your lips, leaving lots of love bites. You pull off his shirt as he pulls off yours before connecting your lips again. "Are you sure you wanna do this? I don't wanna rush you" he asked looking at you concerned. "I'm positive" you said looking up at him. He smiled before returning to what he was doing.

The vampire diaries/ Originals/ teen wolf preferences and imagines (imagine requests closed) PART 1Where stories live. Discover now