#47 He cheats on you -Kol

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You and Rebekah make your way back to the Mikaelson house after a fun night at the Mystic Grill. You both are stumbling and giggling walk down the side walk as a result of having way to much to drink. "I think we drank that place dry!" Rebekah giggled. "I know! Did you see matts face when he realized we drank five bottles!" You laughed so hard it made your stomach hurt. "That was priceless!" She laughed stopping half way up the drive way and clutching her stomach from laughing so hard. That's when you seen the slutty blonde that was flirting with kol stumble out the house. "What the fuck" you say stopping in your tracks. Even from where your standing you can see the love bites covering her neck. When Rebekah hears the anger in your voice she rushed to your side to see what was wrong. "Why is the slut from the grill here?" She asks. "That's what I'm gonna find out!" You say through your teeth. The anger rushing through you over powering your drunken state sobering you up. You speed to the girl grabbing her by the neck pinning her against klaus's car while Rebekah rushed to your side. The girl grabbed your hand trying to pry it off but after realizing it was no use stopped struggling. "Your going to answer me truthfully, do you understand?" You compel her. "I understand" she replied back. "Why are you here?" You questioned her hoping she wasn't going to say what you were thinking. "I came here with the man I met at the bar" she answered. "What did you do when you got here?" You asked your final question. "We had sex" All it took was those three words to make you go from angry to heartbroken. Those are the words that you were hoping not to hear. You drop your hand for the girls neck. Tears escaping from your eyes as those three words replay in your mind. Rebekah put her hand on your shoulder trying to comfort you making you snap back to reality. You turn your attention back to the girl. "Your going to forget about our conversation. Now Leave and don't you ever come back" you compel her again. She nods her head and makes her way down the driveway. Rebekah gives you's sympathetic look and embraces you in a hug. "I'm so sorry y/n. I can't believe he'd do that to you, you deserve way better" "thanks Rebekah" you smile at her. "I just want you to know that what ever happens between you and my idiot of a brother, you'll always be my best friend" "and you'll always be my best friend" you say walking hand in hand into the house tears still streaming down your face. Once inside the house you see kol pouring himself a drink. Once he hears the door shut he turns around to see you with tears streaming down your face. "Y/n what's wrong! Why are you crying?!" He rushes over to you embracing you in a hug. "Get away from me you asshole!" You yell pushing him off of you. He just stood there with a confused look in his face. "How could you?" You whisper trying your hardest not to break down. "I don't know I what your talking about" he tries to walk towards you. "Stay away from me!" You yell again making him stop where he is . "You obviously know what I'm talking about! It's not like you have the memory of a fucking goldfish! I've been faithful to you for 921 years even when you were daggered I was faithful and this is how you repay me!" You screech. "Would you stop jumping to conclusions, your being so insecure!" He screams back. I'm insecure!? Your the one who can't even be man enough to admit you cheated on me!" "Fine, I cheated. Does that make you feel any better? And you know what? I don't regret it either, your such a bitch lately and it's driving me insane! He spit back at you but instantly regretted it. "I hate you" you say whipping your wedding ring at him before running out the door. "Y/n wait come back!" You hear Rebekah and kol yell after you. But you just keep making your way to the Salvatore boarding house.

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