Stiles imagine for GiuliaCampora

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Sorry it took so long, I hope you like it

You were walking through the ally way on your way to stiles' flat. "Giulia!" You hear a someone yell, turning around you see stiles. "Stiles!" You yell running into his arms hugging him as tightly. He hugs you back rocking you's back and forth a little bit. "I missed you so much!" You say kissing him. He kisses you back and laughs. "What's so funny?" You ask cocking your head to the side in confusion. All he does is laugh harder, you move back a bit trying to figure out what's so funny. "Stiles!" You yell, trying to get him to stop laughing. "I can't believe you haven't figured it out yet" he says still laughing a bit. "Oh shit no!" You yell turning around to run. He runs after you throwing you back down the ally way. You hit the hard concrete scraping your arms and legs. Lifting up your head you see the Nogitsune walking over to you. "Giulia, Giulia, Giulia" he said in a condescending tone. "You should know better then to Never trust a fox" he smiles before picking you up and throwing you again. This time you hit you face making your lip and nose bleed. "You stupid asshole!" You yell while getting up and standing on your feet. "If you answer my riddle I'll let you go" he said. "What's the riddle?" "Anyone can take it as long as it's on someone" he said with a smile on his face. "How the hell am I supposed to know that one!" You screech before trying to make another run for it. He grabs you again pushing you against a wall. "Anyone can take it as long as it's on someone" he repeated the riddle. "I don't know!" You yelled in his face. "Do you want to know the answer?" He said looking into your eyes. "What is it?" You ask curios to know. "Pity, and I don't pity you, you know why? Because I feed off of pain, chaos, and strife" he whispers in your ear. "Let her go!" You turn your head to look down the end of the ally to see the real stiles. Right behind him you see Scott, isaac and Derek who are now wolfed out and running towards you. The Nogitsune throws you to the ground, leaving more cuts scattered on you body. But before anyone could reach him he ran out the other end. "Giulia!" You hear stiles yell running towards you while the other three chase the Nogitsune."stiles" you smile knowing it's really him. He picks you up and walks you to his jeep placing you in the passenger seat. He gets in the drivers side and starts the jeep and speeds off. "Im so sorry!" He says grabbing your hand. "It's find stiles" you say while intertwining your fingers. "Where are we going?" You say noticing he's not going the way to his house. "I'm taking you to the hospital" he said still freaking out. "Stiles no! I'm completely fine! Please don't take me there" you beg him. "Your not fine" he says still driving to the hospital. "It's just a few cuts, I'm fine" you insist. He pulls over to the side of the road and turns to you. "Are you sure!" He asks again. "Yes, I'll just clean up a bit at your place." You give him a kiss on the cheek. "Fine" he says turning around to go to his place. Once arriving there you's go straight to his room to go clean up your cuts. You sit on the edge of his bed cleaning off the now dried blood and putting antibiotic on them. "You need to take off the dress to get to the ones on your back" he stared at you. "Why don't you help me out of it" you turned around so he could unzip it. He unzipped the zipper making the dress fall to the floor. You can hear stiles breath hitch making you smile. After cleaning the rest of the cuts he starts kissing up your shoulder, sending shivers down your spine. Once reaching you neck he started to suck on your soft spot earning a moan to slip from your mouth. You lean your head back against his chest granting his more access. Once leaving a big enough love bite he turns you around to face him leading you to his bed. He gave you a kiss and smiled. "Goodnight babe" he said before laying down and closing his eyes. "Goodnight?! Really stiles?" You playfully slap his leg. "What?" He playfully smiles making you catch on that he's teasing you. "You get me turned on then decide to go to bed?" You say crossing your arms. "Pretty much" he laughs rolling over. You grunt turning around to walk away, but before you can stiles grand your arm pulling you on top of him. He rolls you over so your underneath him. He sucked on your collar bone "stiles" you moan. He smiled against your skin. He lifted his head up and looked you in the eyes "I'm sorry for what happened, So I'm going to make it up to you" he said before going back to what he was doing.

The vampire diaries/ Originals/ teen wolf preferences and imagines (imagine requests closed) PART 1Where stories live. Discover now