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An unfortunate series of events unfolded. Like laundry that habitually falls off the line, the aviators clung to the challenge, but the wind reared its head, ripping them off the clothespins and into the mud. 

They failed.

All of them.

They could blame it on the hangovers or a false sense of confidence; however, deep in their gut they feared that this mission was downright impossible.

Out of everyone, the only group that completed half the task correctly was Rooster's team.

"Why are you dead?" Maverick interrogated Rooster, his stern gaze gripped the crew as he demanded an answer, "You're team leader. Why are you and your team dead?"

"Sir," Phoenix spoke up to defend him, "he's the only one who made it to the target."

Maple had her peripheral vision fixed on Rooster. After her embarrassing morning, she worried defending him would further justify Hangman's out-of-line outburst from earlier.

In training today she flew like shit, a rare occurrence for the young woman, as she finished first in her class four years ago. Presently she wished for nothing more than to sink into her chair and disappear; she yearned for home, to be far away from her past and the pain that trailed along with it. She was filled with a dangerous mixture of shame and disappointment.

The only thing keeping her from imploding was her loyal backseater, Data. He kept a close eye on the blonde, close enough to catch her should she fall, but far enough to allow her to pick herself up first. He watched her fidget as Maverick hounded Rooster.

And, unfortunately, for her, it would only get worse from here.

"A minute late," Mav interrupted Phoenix, "he gave enemy aircraft time to shoot him down."

Rooster shook his head, "you don't know that."

"You're not flying fast enough!" Hangman chimed in as if he hasn't caused enough damage today already, "You don't have a second to lose."

Rooster's nostrils flared as he struggled to maintain composure, "we made it to the target."

"And superior enemy aircraft intercepted you on your way out," Maverick spat back, clearly aggravated at Rooster's arrogance.

𝐊𝐄𝐄𝐏 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄, 𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘥𝘭𝘦𝘺 𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘥𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘸Where stories live. Discover now