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People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

So your glass shattered, big whoop. Shit happens. But, we all know glass can be recycled. Some of the world's most famous churches glorify the beauty of stained glass. Broken pieces strung together in a kaleidoscope of color.

Keith 'Rhythm' Thompson


In an astonishing display of heroism, Hangman, against all odds, emerged as their savior in the eleventh hour, snatching them from the jaws of impending doom. The F/A 14 Tomcat, its once battered frame now a testament to the miraculous, touched down on the carrier's deck, its frame kissing the surface with a resounding thud.

A collective gasp of disbelief mingled with exultant cheers as the realization of their survival washed over the ship. In a surge of uncontainable joy, the entire crew poured out onto the deck, their footsteps echoing in harmony with the thunderous applause that filled the air.

Hangman and Rooster, their fractured relationship mended by the crucible of their shared ordeal, stood side by side, their eyes reflecting a profound understanding and newfound camaraderie. The team of aviators, their faces radiant with admiration and gratitude, enveloped Rooster and Maple in a tidal wave of embraces, their smiles stretching wide with genuine delight.

Amidst the symphony of clapping hands and jubilant cheers, a sense of awe permeated the atmosphere, as everyone marveled at the audacious bravery and unwavering resolve displayed by their friends and their fearless leader, Maverick.

In a profound testament to the power of reconciliation, a bond that had long been fractured found it's way back to wholeness, surpassing even the mending of Rooster and Maple.

The genuine healing of a once broken bond between Rooster and Maverick, his late father's cherished confidant and best friend.

Gracie's eyes welled up with tears as she watched them embrace on the airstrip, her heart swelling with a deep understanding of the significance of this moment.

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