Chapter 21 - Treatment

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Unfortunatelly, it looked like Bishamon's arm was in really bad shape and needed treatment right away.

'Bisha-kun?' I started, while wrapping bands around his arm to fix it a bit. 'This might sound like a weird idea, but I think we should meet that woman...'

'What woman?' He didn't seem to get what I had just said.

'The one we are after. She is said to be a great medic, so there is a possibility, that she can cure your arm. On the other hand we could check, if she is really the one who we believe her to be.' Bishamon nodded after hearing my expanation.


'We are not taking in any more guests!' The grumpy owner spoke up as we entered the nearby inn.

'We are not for room. We came to one of the guests. It's Tsunade Senju.' I repeated the name I memorised.

'Sorry, I can't give you information about my guests. That would be the violation of privacy!'

'You will tell us were to find her!' Bishamon replied, looking down. His voice somehow strange and harsher than usual.

'What? You want to pick a fight with me, scum?' It looked like the owner was in a very bad mood.

'You WILL tell us!' He repeated it again, looking the man straight in the eye. Bishamon's eyes were red and looked like they were glowing. The owner shocked his head with a confused look, then smiled at us.

'I'll show you to the guest you wish to see. Follow me!' And he started walking along the corridor with us following. Bisha-kun smiled at me. His eyes were normal again. Can it be, that my eyes had tricked me a moment ago?

'Who's there?' A voice asked from behind the door as we knocked in. The owner had left after guiding us to the room. The door soon opened, revealing the blonde woman, we were after.

'Who the heck are ya?' Her tone indicated her to be a tipsy.

'Tsunade-sama! Please let me see who's there!' A shaky voice came from behind the woman in front of us. Soon the woman who we had seen on that night too came to sight. 'Who are you and why are you here?'

'We are travellers. We came here in hope of medical care.' I spoke up, then pointed at Bishamon's arm. 'My friend was injured.'

The woman looked over us, then nooded. 'I believe we may be able to help.'


A scream. And another. I covered my ears with my palm. I didn't wanted to hear his screams. I was told to wait in the main room, while the person who called herself Tsunade took care of Bisha-kun's arm.

The younger woman had convinced her to help us, because she didn't wanted to do so when we told our problem. But then she agreed to help.

First I was afraid to leave him in that drunken women's care, but suprisely she became clear of any alcoholic influence as she focused on medical work.

'He is fine now.' The woman, called Sizune informed me. She wanted to say something else too, but I cut her off as I rushed over to Bishamon. He was sitting on the floor, his arm covered in bandages. I moved close and hugged him.

'Miyako?' He hissed as I wrapped my arms around him.

'Oh, sorry! I didn't wanted to seize your arm to your body! I'm so sorry!' I let go of him immediately.

'I have a question. How did you get that wound?' Tsunade gave us a questioning look.

'A pack of rouges went against us and I had been pushed onto a few pile of boxes. He took the lead before I could have said anything.

'I see.' Her expression seemed to be distant. 'That explains to wooden shards.' I looked at the wooden pieces laying on the floor. There were many of them, each a different size and shape.

'You was able to make this amount of shards to enter his body just by trowing him away? I'm impressed, brat.' Buraion's voice was the last thing I needed right now.

"Leave me alone! This is not something I should be praised for!" I mentally jelled at him, then turned back to focus on the present events.

'Is something wrong?' Tsunade asked from me and I gave her a questioning look. 'Just now, you had a weird look on your face.'

'No, it's nothing. I was just thinking about something.' I gave her a weak smile. 'I believe, that we should go now. Thank you for your help.'

Tsunade gave us something like a smile, then Sizune appeared in the doorway. She led us to the exit.

'Thank you for all your help and sorry.' I said as we left.

'It's nothing to be sorry for. We are glad to help.' Sizune smiled at us. I just nooded. 'Take care. Bye.' And the door closed.

'Bye.' I muttered.

We were walking on the street when Buraion first spoke up.

'You didn't said sorry, only because we were keeping them busy, right?' He asked me.

'You are right. I don't know what will happed, but I wanted to say sorry for all those too in advance.'


Sorry for the long wait guys! I'm busy with school.

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