Chapter 6 - Stay alive

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'Wake up brat! I want to talk with you!'

I opened my eyes to found myself in the same dark space where I first met the strange, metal and glowing blue creature.

'Why can't you leave me alone! I'm tired!' I said and closed my eyes.

A moment later I felt like nothing is holding my body, but I was moving higher and higher. I was flying. Suddenly I turned upside down. I opened my eyes to face the strange creature.

'Ahh!' I yelled as I dropped down to the surface I couldn't even see. It was a hard landing, falling straight on my head. 'You did this? Why?' I turned to him.

'I had to make sure, that you will listen to me.' He said, on a perfectly calm tone.

'Choose your methods more carefully next time, will you?' I sighted, grabbing my head in pain. 'What do you want strange creature?'

'First I'm not a "strange creature". I have a name you know.' He said, raising his head up like a diva.
'I'm Buraion, demon of murder and brutality.'

I just sat shocked as he explained, that he was sealed into me by the Examiner, who carried out the orders of the Snake. I could survive yesturday only because of his demon powers.

'I...I have killed someone?' I asked, lookind down to my palms. I felt like crying, but no teardropps left my eye.

My eyes grew wide as memories flashed into my mind, showing the moments when I tore that man into pieces. I knew, that how good it felt then, like things like that are natural, moreover enjoyable, but I know, that it's not true. I can't be the one who did it! I simply can't!

'No, you lie! I'm not a murderer!' I shouted into the face of him.

'You know, that the only one lieing there is you. It's not a good attibute to lie to yourself.'

I just sat broken. How can he be so calm? Oh sure, he is the demon of killing! How could I forgot that!

Suddenly he raised one of his pawns and placed it on my hand. At the same time his blueish color seemed to lit up and my painful thoughts all gone away.

'Is it better now?' He asked, pulling back his pawn. I nodded.

'What have you done?'

'I just took away your pain.' He said this words like it's part of his daily routine.

'You can do such a thing?'

'There are a lot of things you don't know about me.' He sighed. 'But inded, taking away or giving pain is one of my abilities. And also yours as we are one.'

'That means, that I can do such things too?'

'Sooner or later, you will learn how to control my chakra and gain power. Until that day, your goal is to make both of us survive.'

'Both of us survive? But you said, that we are one!?' I gave him a confused look.

'Our life is one, but on the other hand, you have to make sure, that you keep yourself and me alive too. Because if eighter of us dies, the other dies as well.'

'And how can I do that?'

'They won't kill you, because they need you, but to keep me alive, you have to feed me.'

'Feed you? But I can't bring food into my inside word! It's impossible!'

'I was not talking about human food.' An evil smirk, or I would rather call it a grin appeared on his face.
'I feed up on pain, sorrow, hatered and death.'


The sensitive girl, who has a killer demon inside herself. She surely will have a rough road to go. What will she do?

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