Chapter 1 - Beginings of a new life

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I felt it all over my body. My life could be only described as a mass amount of constant pain.


I had been living in a small, peacefull village for 17 years when something really unecpected happened.

I woke up in the middle of the night to found myself surrounded by flames. My whole village was on fire.

The light of the flames lit up siluettes of people laying on the ground. Dead bodies of the villagers! They all became the prey of the fire which consumed everything in it's way.

The flames reached the edge of my bed and moved towards me rapidly. I tried to run away, but it surrounded me comletely. There were no escape.

On top of that, a hiss of a snake reached my ear. I could bet on, that he didn't came for an afternoon tea, rather for a late night snack!

I almost had gave up on hope when I screamed a last "Help me!" to the starry sky. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder.

'Don't move!' My head was up, so I couldn't see who the voice belonged to. I closed my eyes and waited for my end.

'Ssstop it Kabuto! We will take and ussse her!' I heared an inhuman voice. It was like a talking snake, because durind speaking, the voice often mixed with hissing.

The hand was lifted from my shoulder, but a moment leater, it striked down to my neap and everything went black.


I don't know how much time later I "woke up", but I couldn't see anything and only felt pain.

It was in my veins and in my whole body. Needles pierced and sharp blades cut my skin open.

Minutes turned into hours, hours into days and slowly I gave up on counting time. Sometimes I was sure, that I'm dying, but I had a strong will to live. Only the suffering reminded me, that I'm still alive.

I often became uncontious too when I couldn't stand anymore against the waves of suffering. That was the most terrifying part of all.

My hopes started to dissapear, but one day it started to change. The number of needles decreased slowly, day by day.

I still couldn't open my eyes, but I started to feel. First I felt a cold metal surface under myself. Maybe an operation table? Can it be, that I'm in a hospital?

I also felt when someone entered or leaved the room. I started to hear voices too. Not so soon I started to tell apart my visitors.

The first was a young man. I don't know how, but I could tell this. He came to me in most of the cases.

Then he always muttered to himself about levels of things. I couldn't understand what these thing's name meant. I called him the Examiner in my mind.

The Examiner sometimes brought along another man. It was strange, because I couldn't tell his age, but I was sure, that he is older than the other one.

It was easy to indentify him. He was the strange speaking guy, who always hissed in his sentences, when he was excited. I called him the Serpent.

'You sssure, that she will last longer than the othersss?' The Serpent asked one day.

'According to my data, collected during the experiment, yes. Her body accepted it and she has a huge chance to be able to controll it.' The Examiner replied. 'Otherwise, I'm pretty sure, that she is awake even now and she can hear our conversation too.

'Interesssting!' I felt, that the Serpent moved closer to me. 'Open your eyes my child!'

The painful urge to see and know the world around myself striked me immediately. My body felt like it was strucked by electricity.

And finally I opened my eyes

as a brand new person.

I reborned.

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