24 • disaster of a night

155 4 15

(suggested song: "prom dress" - mxmtoon)

theo wasn't sure how long had passed before he managed to find himself resting on the floor of the school bathroom. he could barely even remember himself leaving the classroom; the lights from the hallway that had blinded him, however, were the only prominent remnant of memory in his mind.

the mentioned leaned against the cold tiles of the bathroom wall, his head throbbing in a steady rhythm as if it held its own heartbeat.

theo barely even felt himself breathing as he stared lifelessly at the wall in front of him. sitting in his prom dress, he realized just how many expectations he had for tonight, and how a majority of them had been ruined because of tom for reasons that the latter wholeheartedly believed were right.

soon, theo's vision welled with tears the longer he dwelled on this. as to not cause attention to himself (despite the fact that he was the only one there in the bathroom with the dim light overhead for company), he burried his face into his knees as he cried, hoping this would manage to muffle the sound.

part of him desperately hoped that boris would walk in and find him, despite the obvious wrecked state he was currently in, to comfort and hold theo while he cried.

and yet the other part of him didn't want to ruin boris' night. he just seemed so enthralled by everything that theo wouldn't ever want to impose on that. he also didn't want boris to see him in such a terrible and distraught manner even if they both have seen each at their most vulnerable. in fact, the thought made him want to run and hide.

. . .so, why was theo still there?

the brunette sniffled.

lifting his head (painfully so), he rubbed the tears from his cheeks and fixed his glasses that sat crookedly on the bridge of his nose. he just wanted to go home after everything that happened and curl up in their bed and hide for a while (or perhaps forever, but he knew boris wouldn't let him regardless of how much of an argument he put up). moreso, he needed to get out of that place now.

using the wall as a makeshift support, theo slowly got up despite his body begging him to rest and stay put. he latched onto the sink as he felt himself lose balance. squeezing his eyes shut, the mentioned avoided looking into the small mirror in front of him; he couldn't bear to look at his current appearance because if he did, everything that had happened moments prior would begin to sink in and feel too real.

once theo was able to regain his bearings, he made his way out of the bathroom in a haze. the mentioned could only hope that no one would see him in his current state.

- × -

theo kept his head down while he passed the gym doors that were opened, not wanting to risk the possibility of unwanted attention.

fortunately for him, the lights in that particular hallway were dimmed almost completely as to not offset the atmosphere inside the gym. theo glanced briefly at the held commotion inside, wishing that he was apart of that, wishing that he was still there and enjoying himself with his friends.

the brunette had his hand on the door when someone called out to him.


he turned around instinctively and was met with kaylee and sara. luck was really not on his side at all tonight, was it?

"where are-?" kaylee froze as her eyes widened. sara now appeared distressed, but didn't say anything. "w‐what happened. . .?"

theo felt nauseous. "i-i have to go. i'm so sorry."

he felt his eyes tear up as he left without another word. if there was a god out there that despised his utter being, this was a blatant sign of confirmation.

prom dress ⚘ : boreo ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now