2 • thinking of you

672 20 31

(suggested song: "i wanna be your girlfriend" - girl in red)

boris had dated numerous girls before, and even had various flings with some, yet none of them made him experience what he felt around theo.

even as he admired theo sleeping peacefully, with his shirt riding up over his middle, he felt the same sensation wash over him: a fluttery feeling beginning in the center of his stomach that slowly began to spread all over.

his heart race sped up when theo rolled over and faced him, even more when the latter's loose hand was searching for his own through the sheets. theo's brows furrowed as if he was in a deep concentration, until boris gently laced their hands together.

theo let out a satisfied sigh, and placed their hands close to his chest.

it was one of those nights where theo didn't wake up surging with panic, mixed with short, heaving breaths. tonight, he was able to evade the reacurring nightmare that involved the musuem and his mother, and the monstrous explosion that was always expected to happen.

boris had always admired how theo was able to hold a steady face when discussing his past and the horrible incident that involved the bombing, yet he knew the mentioned was only trying to mask his true emotions.

he happened to realize this when theo had gotten overly drunk to the point where he managed to stumble onto the winding street and willingly layed himself on the ground, closing his eyes shut and waiting for his pain and torment to come to an end.

it should have been me, boris! theo would scream through a fitful of sobs. she didn't deserve to die! no one would have missed me!

boris cried until he got a splitting headache that night. the thought of having to tell theo in the morning what he had intended to do was absolutely heartbreaking, so he refused to even mention it.

yet now as theo slept, boris would have never guessed the shorter boy had so much internal pain.

boris listened to theo's steady breathing, slowly being lulled into a sleepy trance of his own. he noticed how the other's always tamed hair was now falling messily onto his eyes, something that boris thought to be adorable.

the warmth of their intertwined hands was a comfort to him, and meant more to him than theo would ever know. he had finally found someone who cared deeply for him, and vice versa. it was them two against the world.

boris had already fallen asleep when theo decided to roll over onto his other side, not once letting go of their laced hands. boris ended up pressed against theo's back, one arm hanging losely by his waist. he subconciously buried his face in the other's shoulder, pulling him closer.

- × -

"boris! wake up already!" theo yelled, throwing a pillow at the sleeping boy.

boris gave an unhappy groan. "is too early in the morning! let me sleep, potter!" he whined.

the pillow instantly went to shield his eyes from the burning sunlight seeping into the room. he never liked the sun, and he never would. in fact, he utterly despised its entire existence.

"we haven't been to school in almost a week! xandra's going to be pissed at me if she finds out!" theo tugged on his (boris') red sweatshirt on and combed his hair, all the while giving the other impatient glances.

the sweater hung loosely on his frame, making him seem smaller than he really was. it also smelled prominently of boris. theo was in no way complaining.

"xandra doesn't give two shits if we go or not. besides, what's one more day of not going, no?" boris reasoned, finally deciding to sit up.

he watched theo walk around the room worrying away at his bottom lip, a habit boris never noticed until a few weeks after he met him. if he kept biting harshly, he would soon draw blood.

theo was about to reach for his backpack when he hesitated. he glanced at their small clock and realized that they were already twenty minutes late. there was really no point in showing up anymore, especially when the bus at their stop was set to arrive in another twenty minutes.

"come on, potter. we can go tomorrow if you really are that worried, okay?" boris reassured.

theo sighed and nodded slowly.

running a hand through his hair, he looked at the latter and took in his messy appearance: bubblegum pink lips and dishelved hair that fell into his eyes.

it always amazed theo how beautiful boris looked in the morning. how his delicate, pale skin would glow against the soft streaks of sunlight.

his gaze immediately went to his exposed neck and shoulder, his sleeve falling smoothly to the side.

boris stared intently at theo. he noticed how his cheeks had taken on a pink hue as he neared the bed. he kept his eyes to the floor as he kicked his pants off, and instantly retreated into the comfort of boris' side.

the taller of the two resumed his position of lying down and his eyes fluttered shut. he felt theo's hand brush against his own a few minutes later, a sign that meant he wanted affection but was too shy to initiate it.

neither boy had anyone else to receive affection from, so they depended on each other instead. the pair were content with each other, and that's what mattered.

boris turned slowly to face him. theo's face was still pink, if not more, and his eyes were glued to the ceiling. boris pulled him closer and left gentle kisses on his neck until he reached his forehead.

an endearing smile danced on his lips as theo giggled with each kiss. the latter's fingers instinctively went to curl in the other's raven coloured hair.

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