27 • the morning after

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(suggested song: "comfort crowd" - conan gray)

the sunlight was filtering in through the curtains when theo awoke in the morning. blinking groggily, he shifted under the covers before quickly feeling a wave of pain overcome him; the effects of the painkillers he took must have worn off already.

he curled up into himself slightly, a sense of disorientation clouding his mind as he tried to regain his muddled senses.

when had he come inside last night? theo had no recollection of doing so whatsoever. the last memory he had was of him and boris sitting on the rooftop and talking. speaking of which, theo peeked out from under the covers and looked for his boyfriend that was currently not there.

he froze.



they were dating now, weren't they? his face turned a pink hue as the memory finally caught up to him, of them both sharing a kiss and exchanging confessions in the secrecy of the darkness.

was everything different now?

a part of theo was nervous to find out.

sitting up slowly, he stretched out his hand to reach for his glasses that had been placed upon the nearby tabletop, but accidentally bumped into his rose corsage instead. althought it looked a bit worse for wear now, it still had its several petals that were a bright red colour, but theo really couldn't recall when he had bothered to have taken it off.

the mentioned found his glasses and as he was putting them on, heard boris entering their room. he spotted the boy with a glass of water and what he assumed to be painkillers. just in time, too, theo thought to himself.

"oh, you're up already," boris looked surprised. "i thought you might have slept for a while longer. you were fast asleep last night and i couldn't wake you up, so i had to carry you in." he offered a gentle smile as he took a seat next to theo on the bed. boris then proceeded to give the boy the glass of water and pills which he accepted gratefully.

so that's what happened, then.

theo quickly took the medicine and drank it with the water, and placed the cup aside. he needed to ask just to be sure. although, a kiss more than proved it, didn't it?

"so. .about last night," yes, theo was going to be so normal about this.

boris, looking amused, placed his elbow on his knee and rested his chin on his hand; he knew perfectly well where theo was going with this. "we kissed, yes?"

"yes, but," theo took a breath in and fiddled with his hands. ". .are we, you know. . .officially boyfriends now?"

boris smiled playfully. "oh potter, how many more confessions should i make before you realize that i've liked you this whole time?"

theo looked away sheepishly; he really should have realized this sooner. "five more times i think. actually no, make that ten and a marriage proposal and i think by then i'll get the hint."

boris hummed in thought. "so if i marry you, then. . .?"

"wait nono, i was just kidding!" theo responded quickly with wide eyes.

boris chuckled. "mmm, no it's too late; you can't take what you said back. those are the rules, sorry!"

"says who?" theo groaned as he laid himself flat onto the bed, a sudden wave of tiredness overcoming him.

"everyone! . .well, i do."

theo gave him a side eye despite the fact that he was laying down. boris then proceeded to respond with a 'hey!'.

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