2. The Queen

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I wake up after having a long needed sleep because after last night's stunt I was very tired. Well last night I killed a motherfu*ker named Mark Henderson because well for one he was a big di*k and for two he used to traffick little girls for sex which is a big NO for me like dude if you want to earn money look for other ways, why involve innocents against their consent. But I would give him an A for his security, boy it was tough to break it but hey!! world's deadliest assassin here, anyways i did it, well with help of my two closest friends JHope and Jessi. They both are like my internal organs i can't function without them well.

I get up from my bed and go straight to the bathroom to have nice hot shower. After showering, i go towards my walk in closet and start my music system which is in my closet and play my favorite song Filter By BTS and start dancing to it in front of my mirror while getting ready. Well don't judge people its my way to release my stress and start my day because you know how stressful the life of mafia is and maybe i am not a Ms. Universe but damn I got a gorgeous body. Constant threats, problems, traitors etc.

My outfit for today

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My outfit for today. I know I'm a sexy women.

After my little dancing session and after getting ready, I leave for my office because for the world I'm a wealthy investor and i also have to deal with after math of killing Mark Henderson because he is one of the important men of the mafia king Jeon Jungkook and I'm pretty sure he didn't know about the acts Mark Henderson because Jeon Jungkook has work ethics which clearly includes no using women and children in business. Jeon Jungkook must have already started investigating this death.

I reach my office and directly go my cabin as i know that JHope and Jessi will already be waiting for me to discuss further plans.

"Well great artistic work on him", says Jessi as soon as I enter my cabin and sit on my chair.

"Well thanks", i wink at her.

"Psychopaths", Jhope mutters under his breath.

"Yeah We are psychopaths and you love us", I say with an innocent smile.

"Anyway Jeon Jungkook already knows that Black Mamba killed his man", says Jhope by dismissing our chitchat.

" So what?, no one knows who is Black Mamba", I shrug.

"But he is not a no one YN, He is Jeon Jungkook, one of the greatest mafia king, and chances are he can find you with his resources.", Jhope says.

"Last week his men made it to our business contacts asking about your whereabouts, I used our hackers to deviate them.", Jessi says.

" Well if he is so eager to meet me,lets meet him. I want to see how smart he is.", I smirk.

" WTF are you saying YN, did you hit your head yesterday?", JHope comments.

I roll my eyes and say,"Oh come Hope, What's wrong in it, he wants to meet me then lets meet him simple."

"Even I think its too much madness YN. It's too dangerous, he is out there to capture you YN. You killed his man for fu*k sake!", Jessi says worriedly.

"Don't worry, he will meet me but he will not know he is meeting Black Mamba. He will only see what i want him to see, I have a plan.", I say with a smirk.

"Get me all the details about Jeon Jungkook, everything.", I order them because I'm their mafia queen too.

They leave and start their work and I start my preparations to meet Jeon Jungkook the Mafia king.

Next day

I took a day off today as I always do after every mission and it's aftermath, to rest and spend the whole day with myself and no one disturbs me except during any emergencies. I always spend my day doing things like an ordinary girl of my age would do like watching K drama while eating ice cream and popcorn, dancing to my favorite song and many more things as i don't get to do this on my working days. Sometimes I wonder if that incident did not happen then how my life would've been.

It's evening time, I'm watching "Business Proposal" and wearing my favorite PJs while eating ramyeon when someone rings the doorbell.

It's evening time, I'm watching "Business Proposal" and wearing my favorite PJs while eating ramyeon when someone rings the doorbell

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It's odd since no one comes to my mansion this time. I get up and open my door to find my friends standing outside. I invite them in.

" Is there any emergency you both came to inform me about?", I ask them.

" We got the information about Jeon Jungkook that he will at the international MMA[mixed martial arts] fighting club practicing his skills.", JHope says.

"And why would you think that I will be allowed there?", i ask them raising my eyebrow.

" Listen to us first smartass, at this club Jungkook allows any fighter to challenge him as a chance to learn new things.", Jessi states.

" And you have a chance of meeting him incognito tomorrow, understand?", JHope says.

"OK seems credible, at what time", I ask.

" He stays there from evening 4 P.M. to 10 P.M, fighting and enjoying the fights in the ring. But you have to be careful, he is an MMA champion and when I say champion means he is gooooood.", Jessi says.

"Helloooo, you are talking to Black Mamba, i know he is invincible but not for me and tomorrow I will prove it.", I say with a million dollar smile on my face.

" Yeah yeah.", Jhope says while rolling his eyes.

"Anyways, we gotta go now, bye. Let me know how you kicked his mafia ass.", Jessi says while winking.

I laugh at her comment and say," Sure."

They leave after saying their goodbyes. Now I am left all alone thinking about tomorrow's fight. Man I gotta say I'm pretty excited for tomorrow.

Dundundun, another chapter update, what do you guys think what's gonna happen when they meet each other?

Stay tuned to find out......

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Borahe 💜💜

Borahe 💜💜

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