23. "Tomorrow's gonna be a long day"

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"Please! Hear me out YN!!", he desperately begs. I take a look at his appearance. His eyes are bloodshot red and have heavy bags underneath them, his hair is messed up, his clothes are disheveled

"What's left there to say, Jungkook? Just leave me alone.", I irritatedly say and walk towards the entrance of my mansion while giving the car keys to my security for parking.

He follows me like a lost puppy, while trying to get my attention.

"Please YN! I'm sorry, just hear me out YN, just give me a chance. Please!!", he continuously repeats the same sentence until we are on 1st floor, in the hallway, walking towards my bedroom.

I stop infront of my bedroom door and turn around to face him.

"Ok start talking.", I suddenly say while keeping a poker face, masking all the hurt and anger beneath it.

He looks at me like a deer caught in headlights.

" Okay, I'm really really really sorry YN, I-

" What are you sorry for Jungkook?", I suddenly interrupt him.

"What?", he is confused at my sudden question. (More like jungshook)

"Tell me what are you sorry for?", I ask again.


"I what I Jungkook?! What are you sorry for huh! For making a scene in front of everybody, for beating up my friend, for  not trusting me, for behaving as a jerk or for calling me a wh*re huh!! WHAT ARE YOU F*CKING SORRY FOR JUNGKOOK??!! ", I don't let him continue and start taking my frustrations out on him.

" I thought you were not like others Jungkook. I told you about my past, my pains, everything about me and that how you treated me. Huh! Jungkook. I never expected from you to treat me like that Jungkook. I believed in you but you still broke my trust and you called me one thing, said that word to me which I physically and mentally hate from my core. So tell me, Mr. Jeon Jungkook, WHAT ARE YOU SORRY FOR?!!", I angrily say.

I start panting after finishing my rants. He looks at me like a kid who didn't get his candy. He opens his mouth, closes it and again opens it and closes it like a damn fish. He sighs at his own helplessness.

"I know YN what I did is not easily forgivable but I'll try my damn best and give my hundred percent to make it up to you YN. It's my promise to you.", he says and leaves.

I open the bedroom door, walk towards the bathroom, strip my clothes off and get into the shower.


Can't I have one moment of peace?

After 30 minutes

After having a relaxing shower and getting into my comfy PJs, I feel little bit good.

It's pretty early for bed but I'm f*cking exhausted so I can't help it and get into my bed and drift into  *hopefully a peaceful* sleep.

End of YN's POV

Jeon Jungkook's POV

I thought after seeing her face I would feel good and I did but only for a second because the way her eyes looked (especially at me) I knew I am in a big trouble.

I tried to apologise to her, to get her talk to me and she did. But after listening all about her pain I didn't know what to say. I felt tremendous anger on myself. I thought it's best to leave from here for now. I didn't want to bother her much so I left from there and came back to mansion. The whole time I have only one thought in my mind.

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