Chapter 4

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It is Harry Potter, standing in front of me. With a girl and a boy at his side. Snape looks at them with disgust, and at once, I sense the hatred between them.

'Who are you tormenting now, professor?' Harry asks grumpily, looking at me.

'I am taking care of Dacian here.' Snape snaps back. 'And what are you up to?!'

'We're going to Hagrid's.' The boy replied challenging, Snape scowls back, '5 points from Gryffindor because of your behaviour, get away now.'

They walk past us, and when they're out of reach, Snape turns to me again. 'That insolent child.' He spats frustrated. I open my mouth to say something, but he holds up his hand. 'Don't.'

It remains silent between us for quite a while. I stare at the birds flying in the distance, at the river underneath us and the castle. Finally, he speaks.

'I wanted to propose to visit the muggle world for a while together, in the holidays.'

Wow, that is random, I think. He and the muggle world?! I haven't seen much of the world, so I nod quickly, but it's weird. Very weird. What does he want to do with me? Go out shopping?

'Sure.' I shrug, 'What's Hagrid?'

'Oh, he's a teacher.' Snape answers shortly. 'So, you agree?'

'What do you want to do?'

'Well,' He shrugs now, 'Perhaps visit a concert or something.'

That is quite a good idea. I hadn't thought of that; it will be very fun to see a great pianist play. 'Sounds alright. Can we go there?' I point to the direction Harry and his two friends had gone off to. Before waiting for a reply, I start walking.

He catches up with me in no time with his long strides. My arm gets pulled backwards and I turn around scared. 'We are not going there.' He sneers, his face close to mine.

'S... sorry, sir.'

'You don't want to mess with them.' Snape drags me all the way back to the castle.

'Wait.' I manage to say before we enter the castle again, 'I want to stay outside.'

'I will see if Mr Malfoy can go with you perhaps tonight, but for now, we're going back.'

Severus Snape POV

I am satisfied with him belonging in Slytherin. I had suspected it already, because of his stubbornness. He will become a difficult student, that's for sure. When he was held captive by the Death Eaters, as I noticed in his memories, he was very difficult. He had refused to work with them, to give them answers and he'd even tried to escape several times. I know members of the Order that wouldn't dare to do that.

Draco will be a good friend for him, I know that. He is kind and protective to Dacian. Except he can maybe have a bad influence with the pureblood and mudblood thoughts, but I will take care of that, I say to myself.

I stare at the essays laying on the desk in front of me, they're from the third years. Of course, Granger got full marks. Draco did very well too, however Potter and Weasley somehow managed to get more spelling mistakes than correct spelled words.

Dacian just went off with Draco for a walk through the castle, and it is quiet here. I seem to have gotten used to the piano playing of him. It is difficult to admit, but I think I have grown fond of the boy. I wish him to be happy and normal again, and it looks like he is getting better, so that's a good sign. As long as Draco doesn't talk about his aunt or other Death Eaters, but I had given him clear instructions not to.

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