Chapter 10

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Wow, already chapter 10. This goes fast! Enjoy the new update!! :D

Dacian POV

I know he will visit me anytime now.

In a month, my eleventh birthday will be, and they want me to celebrate it in Hogwarts. That's Dumbledore's plan. I don't want to return to Hogwarts, there's too much danger there. I don't want to be bothered again by Death Eaters. The Dark Lord, as Severus named him, will probably return, and it'd only get worse in the Wizarding World.

After the years in the orphanage without wizards, I start to realize in what innocence the muggles live. The kids have a great life, even though their parents are gone. The head of the orphanage, Alice, takes care of everyone, and makes sure everyone is happy. I wish I had this childhood.

I take a deep breath. The time finally has come. Alice had just told me there was a visitor waiting for me in the hallway. I sigh deeply, then stand up from the piano, opening the door of my room to the corridor.

At first, I don't see anyone. But I look the other way and see the familiar black figure of Severus Snape. A smile breaks through my face, and my eyes lit up after meeting his.

'Hey.' I finally manage. I know usually when people greet each other, they hug, or touch each other. However, I don't feel comfortable with that at all. Alex had tried to hug me a few times, but most of the time I just flinched.

'Hi, Dacian.' He walks over. 'How are you?'

'I am fine.' I shrug, 'You?'

'Can be better.' His voice indicates that I shouldn't go in on it. 'You know why I am here, don't you?'

To take me back... yes. 'I don't want to return to Hogwarts, it's dangerous.'

'You mean Moody, don't you?'

How does he know that? What happened?

'He's back in Azkaban.'

He escaped once, why shouldn't he escape twice? 'There will be more Death Eaters.'

Severus sighs deeply. 'Yes. The Dark Lord has returned.'

I gasp, what?! How did I not know that? What if he comes after me? And why is Severus here then? Wasn't he an undercover agent?

Severus Snape POV

I notice the confusion and fear in his eyes, and I try to explain what happened. I also tell him that I will indeed have to spend time with the Death Eaters, I remind him that I am not evil like them, but he doesn't seem reassured.

'Listen, you're way safer in Hogwarts than here.' My voice becomes a little unfriendly, it's because I don't have the time of the world, I bet Dacian understands that. 'Dumbledore is the only wizard the Dark Lord is afraid of.

Dacian seems to have realized what I said, and he slowly nods. 'Alright.'

We walk through the building to say goodbye to some muggle friend of his and to Alice. Then we use floopowder to get into Dumbledore's office. 'Hello, Albus.'

He stands up and walks over to us. 'Severus. Dacian.' He nods but doesn't look at Dacian at all. 'School starts tomorrow, you will be sorted again, but I reckon it will be still Slytherin. You're to sleep in the Slytherin Dorm tonight.' He says to Dacian.

The boy looks surprised, perhaps he still wanted to be with me, but I know I can't do that. It's too dangerous for him to be near me.

When we're in the empty Slytherin common room, I turn to Dacian. 'Don't make a mess of this. May I remind you that I'm head of Slytherin?'

He nods, 'Why the sudden formality?'

I sigh; it's time to tell him. 'Well... there's something I must tell you.' I walk over to one of the couches and take a seat, admiring the view through the window to the water of the Black Lake. 'I will hurt you.'

'What?' His eyes become big in fear, I quickly continue.

'I will hurt you either physically or mentally. And I prefer mentally, so that's why I'm doing this.'

'Doing what?'

'We can't be together. Not this year, not the year after. The only relation we can have this year is a student-professor way. You will address me with Professor Snape or sir. Do you understand?'

He hesitates, probably dealing with hundred questions at once in his mind. I understand, but I will not be friendly to him again. I can't.

'Why?' He eventually mumbles under his breath.

'I can't tell you.'

Dacian POV

We go to the Great Hall for dinner with the other already arrived professors, but Sev... Professor Snape doesn't talk to me anymore. He even refused to sit next to me. The other Professors talk a lot, but I don't really want to join a conversation. I stare glazy at the bewitched ceiling, at the stars. How can he do this to me? He just doesn't want to talk anymore?! The thought of him makes me sad, but also angry. I mean... we were close, and even after I'd been in that orphanage, I still wanted to see him.

The Slytherin Dorm is kind of scary with no one in it, and it takes hours before I finally fall asleep. The next morning, I get waken up by a ghost.

'I am the Bloody Baron.' The ghost says, he's wearing robes with bloodstains all over, and his face is extremely pale and transparent. 'I bring a message from the headmaster: you need to get up as soon as possible, as it has already been lunch time, you can go to the kitchen for food.'

'What?!' I jump up from my bed, 'What time is it?'

'It is currently 4 pm.' The ghost laughs once more and then disappears through a wall.

I get dressed as quickly as possible, rush out of the room into the direction of the kitchens. Draco had once gone there with me, and we met several house elves, they offered us food all the time and were very nice. Today, it's the same. Immediately, a house elf I already know; Dobby, comes to help me and gives me food. He tells me not to eat too much, because the feast will start soon.

McGonagall picks me up and leads me to a group of other first years to be sorted.

'The start-of-term feast will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. Your house will be something like your family during your time here.' She explains the different traits of the houses, but I already know all of them. I hope I get sorted in Slytherin again, with Draco. That will probably happen.

We enter the Great Hall, and all the other students look at us whilst we stand in front of the Professors table. I feel Snape's gaze on me, but I wont look at him.

The first students get called, and after three get sorted, it's already my turn.

'Dacian.' McGonagall calls. 'Come forward please.'

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