Chapter 14

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Severus Snape POV

His mind is a mess. I feel like he's trying to block some memories from me, but I easily find them. He broke in my quarters to... play on the piano? I also noticed he's feeling lonely, he's missing Draco and... me. There's anger in him. Much anger. Dacian wasn't lying. Potter did cast my spell against Malfoy. Dacian had followed them and found Malfoy like that.

I return to the bathroom, and Dacian is panting in front of me.

'Why... stop it.' The boy hisses angrily.

My eyebrows rise dangerously, 'You know I am going soft on you.'

He obviously doesn't know; I realize by seeing his face expression.

'Professor Dumbledore doesn't trust you.' I start, 'He wanted me to use Ligilimency on you a lot more.'

The boy frowns but remains silent.

'Get out.' I snap annoyed, focusing on Malfoy again. I quickly bring him to the Infirmary and inform Dumbledore what happened. Then I go off to give Potter as much detention I can.

I unfortunately have more meetings with the Dark Lord, I also meet Bellatrix again, who is mad at me because of Malfoy, and she's asking everything about Dacian. She says more than once that she's looking forward to seeing him again. I may vomit.

Dacian POV

I don't really understand what the things meant Snape said. I wonder about it all the time, but I don't dare to ask him more; every time I see him, he gives me such furious gazes.

The first Quidditch match is today, and it's Slytherin vs Gryffindor. I am really nervous, because I'm the youngest player of all, and everyone is older, faster and stronger than me. I slowly eat my food whilst Dexter is encouraging me enthusiastically. Draco sits next to me on the other side and doesn't say that much. When I ask him if he'll watch the match, he merely shrugs.

He used to be the Seeker, which is the most important position of quidditch. Potter is the Seeker of the Gryffindor team, so it's kind of ironic that these two had to compete. Now, Draco refused to play quidditch this year, I don't know why. So it's up to me to find the Snitch earlier than Potter.

I make my way to the changing rooms with the other Slytherins. The captain gives us a boring speech that we have to win, but I don't really pay attention. All horrific images play through my mind; falling off my broom, getting knocked out by a Bludger, breaking something, and worse.

Finally, the whistle blows, and I take off on my old broom. As we practiced I fly in circles around the field, looking for the little golden ball. I see Potter searching for it too. Sometimes, there are Bludgers aimed at me, but I manage to dodge them all.

Many supporters are singing, cheering and yelling. It's pretty distractive, but I manage to put it out of mind after a while.

The Gryffindors keep scoring more and more, and the score is 60-10 for them, which drives me mad, but I can't help it. Their Chasers work together, unlike us.

Then, I notice a golden glimpse just to my left, and I at once pursue it. It's the Snitch. I hear Potter coming after me, and he's passed me within a moment. He has a Firebolt, the best broom in the world, whilst I have a Shooting Star, which is extremely slow.

The boy holds out his hand to grab the little ball, but I manage to push him to the side, and now am close to it myself. I stretch out my arm, but Potter comes in again. We race, broom against broom, after the Snitch, going full speed at one of the towers.

Around three meters before we're going to hit it, Potter switches direction and flies around the tower. Me, on the other hand, not. I follow the ball and crash into the wooden tower. I do manage to get the golden snitch in my hand before I crash through the wooden balks down to the ground.

Pain explodes in my body when I reach the ground. Then it all gets black.

Severus Snape POV

My heart dropped when Dacian crashed and fell to the ground, but there wasn't much I could do. Poppy immediately took the unconscious boy to the Infirmary. Later, she told me he'd broken his left arm and broken some ribs in the fall.

'Ey,' Hagrid taps (punched is more like it) on my shoulder, 'Why don't ye talk to him?'

I sigh deeply, the oaf had noticed I was staring at Dacian. The boy is sitting sadly at the table, his arm in a swing and his face still under bruises. 'He's fine.'

'Clearly not. He's lonely and sad.' Hagrid replies. 'You're the Head of his house, you're responsible for that.'

'Shut it.' I snap annoyed, 'I'll take care of it.'

Hagrid cares about the boy. I don't like the man, but I know he can be kind, and if he is to Dacian, the boy has a trustworthy friend. He doesn't have many friends, I have noticed.

I talk to Minerva later, and ask him what to do with Dacian, she tells me to allow him getting in my office for piano. He seems to get happy from that. She also asks where the boy is going to in the upcoming holidays. I answer I have no idea.

Dumbledore wants Dacian to just remain in Hogwarts, just like I will. But I know Malfoy and Callow will go home, so he'll be completely alone then. He can't go with either of them, because Lucius is a Death Eater and Callow's father supports the Dark Lord as well.

Someone knocks at my office, I slowly rise. It's late in the evening and curfew, students aren't allowed in the hallways, so who would it be?

I open the door and gasp. Dacian.

'What are you doing here?'

He smiles. 'Severus.'

It's not his voice but the Dark Lord's. He's being possessed, I realize.

'Wha...?' I cannot finish my sentence.

'I found it easier to speak to you this way.' The boy walks past me and takes a seat on one of the tables in my classroom. 'I need to know if Draco is even trying to do it?'

After a while, I speak. 'Yes, my Lord. He tried to poison Dumbledore, but he also has a bigger plan.'

'You know that if he doesn't succeed, I will count on you, Severus.'

'I will do it, my Lord.' I bow my head, 'May I ask, how did you...?'

'He's such a bad Occlumens, that I managed to get into his head whilst being far away.' The boy laughs maniacally. 'I hope you don't mind?'

'Of course not, My Lord.' I'm able to hide my surprise of this sudden event. I can't imagine what Dacian will do if he finds out he's been possessed by the Dark Lord himself.

'Bye, Severus.' The boy suddenly gasps and looks around confused. It's Dacian again. He stands up, looking at me frightened. 'How did I get here?'

'You fell asleep in class.' The lie comes out quickly. Too quick. He'll notice, he had my class early this morning, it is now evening. 'Why don't you go back to your dorm?'

'What...?' He's totally confused.

Dacian POV

After a week, I still can't figure out what happened with Snape that evening.

My arm healed quickly and now it's only a bit stiff. At least we won the game, I think jokingly all the time. Hagrid gave me a speech just after the match that I shouldn't have done it, winning wasn't that important, he said. But honestly, I just wanted Snape's attention, which I didn't get. I knew he had been looking though.

The holiday's coming up, and I was told that I had to stay in Hogwarts. Actually, I don't want to. I'd prefer the orphanage now, but I had no choice.

Or maybe I do.

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