Chapter 17

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A bit longer chapter this time, I hope yall enjoy it. :D

Dacian POV

I've run as fast as I could by the sight of the terrible woman. Bellatrix. She followed me through the streets, I took lefts and rights randomly, and now I'm ended up here. In a dark ending alley. No where to go. Amazing.

Slowly, I turn around to see the crazy woman standing in front of me, around ten feet away, pointing her wand at me.

'The Dark Lord needs you, boy.' She yells and starts laughing after she's finished her sentence.

I merely look at her. My head is calculating every possible way of escape, and all conclude a confrontation with that woman. I have no choice.

My own wand appears in my hand within seconds, and I point it back at her. 'Stay away from me.'

Again a maniacal laugh sounds in the gloomy street, 'Incarcerous!'

Immediately, I block the unknown spell by muttering: 'Protego!'

Bellatrix looks surprised. 'You dare to fight back?'

I clench my jaw and step forward, a little closer to her. 'Stupefy!'

My spell is easily blocked and now the Death Eater attacks me again with several spells I do not know. Most of the I dodge, others I have to cast the Protego-spell, but I don't really have time to fight back. She forces me back more and more, until I am with my back against the wall.



We yell at the same time, and our wands both produce beams of red light, and they hit each other in the air. Somehow, the wands connect. I frown, this is something I've read in old books; Priori Incantatem.

After a while, I manage to force her spell back and it hits her right in the chest; she tumbles to the floor. I have no idea how I just did that.

The woman screams and rolls over the floor.

Did she just got hit by her own Cruciatus Curse?

I know I should be happy, but it is unbearable to watch someone suffer in this much pain, so I yell another spell. 'Stupefy!'

The woman stops moving and now it gets horrifyingly silent in the small street.

I take a seat against the wall, still panting from the fight with her, tears streaming over my face. How did she find me? Will there come more? Why did they want me again?

Severus Snape POV

I watched the wizarding fight from a little distance, knowing that I couldn't interfere. If I did, all my years of undercover work would be in vain, no, I have to keep up my act, even though Dacian's life depended on it.

Immediately, I did sent Tonks a patronus to acknowledge her of the events, and I hope she'll come soon to save the boy...

But I realize Dacian doesn't need saving anymore. He beat her. He beat Bellatrix.

The woman is laying unconscious on the ground, whilst Dacian is sobbing against the wall, I do not understand why. He should be proud of beating her, but then I remember the things she must've done to him, and I wonder if I shouldn't just kill her there.

What am I thinking?!

I turn around by hearing the sound of apparition and see Tonks and Lupin standing close to me. I nod slowly, then apparate myself away from this place, knowing that Dacian is safe now. He must be.

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